Minutes, December 9, 2008

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Minutes, December 9, 2008

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:35 pm

Meeting minutes December 9, 2008

Presidents report by Steve R.;

GGNRA is taking public comment on new restrooms at the Fort. SR contacted dog walker associations as well as posting on HG boards asking people to request a drinking fountain and dog water station at the new restrooms.

SR purchased a back up camera for the web cam.

EC decided to stop paying a member to clean the clubhouse, thus saving $480.00 per year.

Acknowledged that Chris Valley raised a substantial donation for the club by producing and selling T-shirts. Suggestions to do another run for 2009 included multiple requests for shirts with the yellow LZ caution sign, and in long sleeve.

SR received non-profit forms from Brian Foster and will complete them before the deadline.

New combined membership/sticker forms are pouring in.

Discussed modifying the Executive Committee by dropping "Westlake Director" and creating "Technology Officer". Straw poll showed overwhelming support for the idea. Notice of bylaws amendment vote posted in announcement box at front door of clubhouse, members to vote on changes at both January and February meetings.

Treasurers report included discussion of roofing account. Larry swears the clubhouse roof was re-done in 2007 by GGNRA. In this case, our savings plan should be right on track.

Chip Czar passed in a request for sand to fill the sand trail. SR to contact rangers and investigate the possibility of this happening.

Elections were held for the 2009 Executive Committee .
The new club officers will be;

Steve Rodrigues, President
Eric Mies, Vice President
Tom White, Secretary
Daniel Mizyrycki, Treasurer
Gordon Pollock, Westlake Director
John Simpson, Safety Officer
Charlie Nelson, Clubhouse Manager
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Steve Rodrigues
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Posts: 723
Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 10:57 pm
Location: Brisbane, California

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