Minutes 1/10/06

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Minutes 1/10/06

Postby Daniel Pifko » Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:03 pm

Fellow Feathers Club Meeting
January 10, 2006


Treas. Report
Old Business
- Tandems
- Webcam
- Clubhouse: changing the lock, sending keys and contacting missing persons
- Glider auction planning
New Business
- Tom is going to make a safety intro video for new pilots in particular
- Plan for the year – what we’d like to accomplish
o Air Races
o Incorporation as a non-profit
o Photography clinic

Daniel Pifko
Steve Rodrigues
Attila Plasch
Tom White
Larry Carpenter
Chris Valley
Raphael Lavin
Urs Kellenberger

Treasurer’s Report:

Annual report (Attila to send spreadsheet to board)

Old Business:

- beginning of January

- go with a Canon Digital camera and a hole in the wall
- Tom has a camera he can loan – a620 for a couple of days
- Chris valley has a Canon S70 he could loan too
- Wind from the AQM
- Do we want to put the computer into the AQM room? Steve to talk to the AQM people about getting access.
- Banner ad on the flyfunston web site getting revenue for the club

- Steve forgot the keys
- 20 people have not paid out of 85
- Chris to send out keys after the Feb meeting and change the lock Feb 28
- ______ sent in a note that someone had taken his spot (76). He’s willing to give up his spot
- 3 or 4 slots have come up in the last month (3 have been allocated already). Mike Buchanan has moved and is off the waiting list. Mark Morris (?) was on the waiting list but we can’t reach him. Waiting list is now 4 people.
- Terry Wadsworth – working on getting hold of him. Believe the glider is his. Move it up to Purgatory and keep trying to get hold of him.
- There is a bag of bones in spot 73. Whose is this? We should contact this person and ask that they use it for a live glider or give up the spot.
- Who do we ask to leave? Maybe use the sticker lists as a guide to see who has flown.
- BBQ and auction
o Plan on early October 2006
o Make a list of all of the gliders and their owners
o Buyers must take the glider away

New Business:

- Tom is going to make a safety intro video for new pilots in particular
o Tom and Ignacio are working on this
o Comprehensive introduction to Funston
o Do it in bite sized pieces
- Incorporation
o Less exposure for club, members and officers
o Vote to move forward with incorporation as a nonprofit corporation. Moved, seconded and approved.
- Air Races
o Chris is investigating
o Need shirts to be made
o Chris to talk with Henry, Dave Ruiz and Ken Brown
o Could do an informal competition too.

- Photography Clinic
o Tandem photography
o Radio coordination
o Urs could present – how would it look on paper
o USHGA Editor: C.J. Sturtevant
o Candidates: Heiney, Ormiston, Swepston, Rathbun, Froehlich, Pondella,
o Live glider
o How to boom mount the camera?
- First Aid Clinic
o Urs to organize?
o Call Albert Branson
- Upgrade the First Aid Kit in the box
- We should update the sticker with a new logo
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Daniel Pifko
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Posts: 249
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:23 pm

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