Minutes 8 January 2008

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Minutes 8 January 2008

Postby Gw. » Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:30 am

Fellow Feathers
8 January 2008

Present were:

Mark L
Richard (from marina)
Jamie (guest, photographer).

Topics were:

- It was fliable on monday !
- We need to put a budget together for non-profit status (% of income coming from what sources, etc.). We need to plan for new roof.
- Fiscal year (currently starting 1st of July) cuts income reporting in half. It would be preferable to change to start in october. Motion is passed, first vote is passed. Second and final vote to be held at February meeting.
- The club has changed bank accouts. New bank does not charge monthly fees, and overall less than the previous bank.
- New winsock is needed. Chris working on it.
- Chips are again needed to compensate for erosion. Chris Cornbill is in charge of planning for distribution.
- Gordon suggests changing westlake rules, dropping the rules form. In particular, following changes could be made:
6. Hang IV pilots may fly south of the Bowl without restriction. The first two (deleted) three (added) flights south of the Bowl by pilots without Hang IV ratings must be supervised by a pilot who has made at least 25 flights to Westlake. Before the first flight, the pilot shall read and sign a Westlake form. (deleted)
Vote to be held at February meeting.
- Computers are vulnerable to rain and hits from gliders. We need to move all possible to hosting account. Computer 1 will remain for wx station and camera, computer 2 for mirror of 1.
- Locks will be changed on 28 february.
- Mark requests an official board meeting to discuss an incident.
- Rafi suggests we put opening bid for gliders to be auctioned (after list has been published to give owner chance to claim them).
- Jamie (guest, photographer) wants to get information when/where to shoot.

Meeting adjourned
Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:11 am

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