Minutes 12 February 2008

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Minutes 12 February 2008

Postby Gw. » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:41 pm

Fellow Feathers
12 February 2008

Present were:

Chris, Daniel M, Dave, Gordon, Gwenhaël, Mark L, Rafi, Richard, Steve, Tom, Urs

New pilots and aspiring members:
Aaron, Andy, Arnel, Bénédicte, Damian, Darrell, Dirk, Jackie, Jim, Mike (sorry for possible misspellings)

Topics were:

- Discussion of incident involving H2 pilots soaring when they should not be.
    Is there an advantage to fly Fort Funston as a H2?
    Steve reads Henry Bittner's letter describing dangers of flying Fort Funston as a H2.
    Aaron describes his own incident, acknowledging mistakes made and requests suspension and probation.
    Rules will be reviewed and changed if necessary.
    New pilots, mostly H1 and H2, suggest more mentoring. For memory, a list of mentors is published on this page.
    Richard suggests Marina as a more appropriate site to build hours and learn to ridge soar.
    A mailing list could be created.
    Picnic around the training bowl is suggested.

- Change of fiscal year in the bylaws is approved.
- $30 is allocated for new signage.
- Discussion regarding changes to Westlake Director and Webmaster positions is postponed.
- New chips have been delivered. Anything having to do with chips has to go through Chris or Steve.
- New anemometer had been bought and will be installed by Steve.
- 96 gliders are stored in the clubhouse. 16 members have not paid their dues yet.
- New lock to be installed by end of month. Rafi will deliver/mail keys to paid members.

Meeting adjourned
Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:11 am

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