Minutes 3/14/06

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Minutes 3/14/06

Postby Daniel Pifko » Mon May 08, 2006 7:39 pm

Fellow Feathers Club Meeting
March 14, 2006


Treas. Report

Old Business
- Tandems
- Photo Clinic report
- Webcam
- Clubhouse: changing the lock, sending keys and contacting missing persons
- Glider auction planning
- Photos of landing by Ignacio

New Business
- Landing on launch – no new rules
- Plan for the year – what we’d like to accomplish
o Incorporation as a non-profit

Daniel Pifko
Mike Wilson
Ian Darnell
Yishai (Israel – living in Oakland)

Treasurer’s Report:

Old Business:

- Daniel has a camera – demo
- AQM room status –access and link to wind meter
- Thought about Google ads?

- BBQ and auction
o Plan on early October 2006
o Make a list of all of the gliders and their owners
o Buyers must take the glider away
- Tom is going to make a safety intro video for new pilots in particular
- Incorporation

New Business:

Old Business
- Tandems
- Photo Clinic report
- Webcam
- Clubhouse: changing the lock, sending keys and contacting missing persons
- Glider auction planning
- Photos of landing by Ignacio

Web Cam
• we need a masonry drill to get through
• Daniel to finish the controller software
• Drill holes
• Make a base for the computer
• Get a powered hub
• Order DSL
• Get power up to the computer
• Ads are okay as long as they’re unobtrusive

Safety photos
• Ignacio photos
• Ignacio to illustrate the primer
• Tom to lead on the flight path, gather input from Larry and whomever else
• Right hand and left hand approaches

• 13 people haven’t paid. Will get letters asking if they still want the spots
• Haven’t received Dave Ruiz’ payment yet
• Keys and lock were changed. They pretty much work.
• Dan Brown’s house key doesn’t work in clubhouse
• October 14th BBQ and Auction
• By april, steve, chris and henry are going to attempt to list all of the owners of the gliders in purgatory. We need to announce to all of the owners by May 1 that they’re going to be auctioned.
• Chris will figure out the date when gliders are being sent into purgatory
• We will put gliders into purgatory 30 days from when the letter went out
• Put a list of people on the web site to see if we can get their contact information
• Tom – someone concerned about the size of the takeoff area expanding
o Safer with more chips
o Keep the chips inside the fence
• Chris has the yellow rope for the fence

New Business

Sign Committee
• international warning diamond
• along the lines of the other cow falling warning signs

Landing on launch
• should we put in place notice the reality of hitting someone and the dangers to others and the site. You must make a safe approach or we’ll put the hammer down. Expand the role of enforcement to other pilots?
• The pilot is always responsible for putting people in danger

• Need more stickers

• Honorable mention for person who gave the highest donation to the club?
• Embarrassment for people who don’t give any money

Steve had a great week in Valle de Bravo
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Daniel Pifko
Site Admin
Posts: 249
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:23 pm

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