April 5th 2018 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

April 5th 2018 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes

Postby crvalley » Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:02 pm

April 5th 2018 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Rob Johnson, Chris Valley, Steve Rodrigues, John Simpson, Peter Suchanek, Wayne Michelsen, Jim Mueller.

Guests / New Members: No guests or new members.

Great Flights: Peter had a first tandem flight with his wife. Some good weekend and weekday flying.

President’s Report (Rob Johnson): Steve and Rob painted a “No Parking” area in front of the clubhouse. Posted an announcement for the Cinco de Mayo / Wills Wing Demo Days / Vintage Glider Fly-In.

Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): All caught up with membership applications. Frank Schaffer made a $200 donation to the Club. Jim Mueller donated $380 to the Club.

Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): March minutes posted.

Treasurer’s Report (Steve Rodrigues): $7204 in the bank not including our $10,000 for clubhouse maintenance fund. Short on funds for our annual budget, but there are dues and donations still coming in.

Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Clubhouse is still standing. Less than 10 people owe for their club house space(s). Painted “No Parking” stripes and markings in front of the entrance to the clubhouse.

Safety Officer’s Report (John Simpson): Emphasized the importance of safety for the upcoming flying season. Pilots are reminded to stay clear of spectators - flying too close to spectators will get you suspended. Avoid low turns. Pilots are reminded to keep the launch clear (behind the cones) before launching - failure to clear launch will get you suspended.

Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Not present, but everything is up and running fine.

Administrator Reports:

~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger): Not present. Report by Text. One more tandem pilot has been approved to fly the Fort. Congratulations Peter!
~ Training Bowl (John Simpson): Not present. Nothing to report.

GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): Nothing to report.

Old Business: No old business.

New Business: Pilots need to be aware of the controlled airspace around the flying site.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
“We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” ― Aldo Leopold
Posts: 214
Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:16 am

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