Meeting Minutes August 2009

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Meeting Minutes August 2009

Postby Daniel Pifko » Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:12 pm

- We have received tax exempt status from both state and federal governments

- Vote on new bylaws. Motion to approve – Steve. Second – Tom. In favor: 17. Against: 1. As this was the second vote, the bylaws are now adopted.

- Permit
o New liaison (Jessica Parker) is having us put in touch with business office to do a five year permit instead of annual permits
o New fees being worked out, but it won’t be cheap. There are some positive (e.g. club not responsible for roof, inclusion of BBQ fees in annual permit) and negative (e.g. big increase in $/square foot fee ) items for the club
o That said, when spread out amongst club members we are currently guesstimating a $30 / year increase in dues, to a total of $60/year
o Membership is not explicitly for flying. It will continue to include certain benefits, including access to a glider spot (subject to space), access to a storage spot, etc. No t-shirt sales by the club directly.

- Club looking at other ways we can help the GGNRA, including fixing the deck, moving water fountain, supporting the bathroom, volunteering to help with cleanup and other activities

- FYI Tom had people in the training bowl bring garbage bags for every training session, cleaned up garbage on the way

- Motion to appoint John pick up the dead seals. Seconded. Approved by voice vote.

- Air races and Murphy Memorial BBQ - Saturday Aug 17 –, Predicted west at 5, going up to west at 15.
o Auction remaining gliders in purgatory.
o Classes: rigid, topless, single surface, double surface kingposted
o Winner of each division will get free membership and a t-shirt
o Window limited to a few hour window (2 hours, ish)
o $5 entry fee
o Need one more volunteer
o T-shirts for the air races are in. Tom modeled one, to sexy music

- Infraction by one member has put the site at risk.
o Exact details TBD, but initial report was that a pilot had flown too closely to a non-pilot pedestrian on launch then proceeded to have words with the pedestrian
o Pilot received a 7-day suspension, the maximum allowed by bylaws on the spot without further disciplinary hearing
o Disorderly Conduct citation was rumored to have been issued by the Park Rangers (ed: see next month for correction)
o FF disciplinary process has been initiated. Next step is for Steve to investigate the exact facts, eyewitness reports, formal reason for citation and other details. With these in hand the club can invoke disciplinary proceedings as per the bylaws.

- John Simpson nearly quit as Safety Officer due to a lack of support amongst other pilots for what he has to do to keep the site safe. Other pilots rallied around John and agreed to listen and/or take his disciplinary actions with grace.

- The 25 ft. rule and the rule regarding being respectful to other park users will be strictly enforced

- Finance Report:
-- Daniel M handed out the finance report, the last one before our end of fiscal year

- Tech Report:
-- The weather computer went down, but the early-morning, self-healing, automatic restart cleared it up
-- We need to get Paypal back up and running

- First Aid Kit
-- The box has too much garbage in it that can get in the way of the first aid kit and rope.
-- The rope is well used. Concern about it being too old and unable to withstand a shock, e.g. dropping a rescuer down the cliff
-- Ray and Mike will look into getting a rope dedicated to emergencies, not to be used for RC plan retrieval
(paper notes to follow)
Submitted by Daniel in Tom's absence
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Daniel Pifko
Site Admin
Posts: 249
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:23 pm

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