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Minutes 4/11/06

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:43 pm
by Daniel Pifko
Fellow Feathers Club Meeting
April 11, 2006

Daniel Pifko
Brian Foster
Steve Rodrigues
Bob O’Neill

Treasurer’s Report:

Old Business:

- we’re on
- waiting for a good day


We have a new light. 2nd light to replace another one.
Chris Valley did it. Need to submit receipts to Attila

o All of the gliders are labeled
o All glider #’s have a description
o Steve could identify all but a couple of the gliders.
o We need to get in touch with Chris Bolfing about his glider
o Need to get in touch with Annette about her glider – given to Kurt?
o Louise had a glider in purgatory
o Roger Barker (#10 in purgatory) belongs in spot 76

- Daniel sucks for not doing much in the last month
- Local businesses willing to pay for ad space on the new web site
- Daniel has a camera – demo
- Chris Valley to make a vented box by next month
- Daniel to put together the scripting software and get the DSL
- Brian to do graphics
- Mike Simpson to help out with layout

New Business:

Steve needs a better copy of the map to make new sticker packages
Can we get the photo journalism student to submit the package to the magazine?
USHPA Meeting Report
o PH committee going back to look at the issue again
o Organization has changed to USHPA
o Fall BOD meeting will be in the Bay Area
 Sell raffle tickets for the purgatory gliders
 Auction at the Board meeting
Some pilots want our magazine back
Can we refresh the mural on the wall?
Diablo 101 clinic upcoming
MCHGA – requires that you join
GGNRA – April 25th