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Minutes 1/11/05

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:37 pm
by Daniel Pifko
Waiting list and clubhouse

* Jonas is sending out the 2005 clubhouse forms in the next week. We will change the locks March 1
* 6 further spots have opened up and will be allocated
* There will still be a short (3ish people) waiting list after this.
* Jonas to give new key to Air Quality people

Windsock Pole

* Windsock and cage blown down
* Larry and Tom to install new pole, frame, and sock

Site Insurance and Use Permit

* USHGA site insurance request was sent in by Henry
* Use permit may be $500 this year. Need to check into this.

RC Planes
* This is in response to Henry's idea that the Fellow Feathers club and officers should not have to referee problems caused by RC planes. It burns out the board members and isn't in our charter.
* Let's get this answered before we see another problem like we did last year.

* According to the use permit, the only interactions between Fellow Feathers and RC planes are:
- HG pilots may not launch when an RC is in the air
- HG pilots have priority over RC, though HG should ensure RC have some airtime
* Solution: Fellow Feathers does not have authority over RC plane operation. GGNRA oversees RC.
* If GGNRA comes to us with a problem, asking us to talk to someone, the answer is, "We know this guy personally and would be happy to have an informal talk with him, but we have no formal authority according to our permit. You guys may need to fine or cite this person."
* Similar response to request from HG pilots or public.
* Larry and Bob, representing the RC pilots, think this is the right thing to
* Daniel will talk to Chris to get him to pass the word.

Remote Control: Gas vs. Electric
* Question about electric vs. gas: the use permit refers to "radio controlled
motorized models" which covers both


* 2005 stickers are widely available
* Everyone should hand in their 2004 stickers

Instructing at Funston without being USHGA certified Instructor
* Daniel read the rules from the Use Permit
* We voted and appointed Henry as Training Director for 2005. He is responsible for approving teachers.
* Some people feel certification is too much overhead and any Hang 4 should be able to teach
* Daniel and others investigating this for a report by Feb meeting

Clubhouse rules change

* clubhouse should be for people who are current flyers
o By Feb meeting: Jonas, Henry and Daniel write guidelines and propose wording changes for 2006.