January 2014 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes

January 2014 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
David Kiesling, Chuck Kranz, Chris Carrillo, Tracey Story, Rob Johnson, Ben Reese, Tom Rust, Raffy, Tim West, Tom Low, Diev Hart, Dave Craft, Brad Martin, Ward Carter, Duane Cromleigh, Emily Hutchinson, Lin Lyons, Ken Martin, Tom White, Steve Rodrigues, Charlie Nelson, George Artz, Zac Majors.
VP reported stickers in lock box. Also rated intention of looking into revising sticker issue protocol.
Tech reported new battery in wind meter.
Safety officer reported on chaotic condition of lock box, unsigned sticker forms, etc, cited the need for more care by distributors of stickers.
President reported need for more work parties on chips.
Steve reported that the GGNRA is happy with progress, but want to see sand ladder kept clear of chips, and that they are open to proposals for erosion control, but that they want the environment around launch to revert to natural condition.
President reported that there was question raised as to validity of the club vote to change 20 hour rule to 10 hours.
Emily made a motion to ask officers with less than 20 hours to step down, motion was seconded, passed 13 votes for, 1 against. All officers confirmed having 20 hours.
Tom Low stated intention to email board a draft for an amendment to bylaws.
Motion was made to buy a fire extinguisher for the clubhouse, motion was seconded, passed.
In attendance:
David Kiesling, Chuck Kranz, Chris Carrillo, Tracey Story, Rob Johnson, Ben Reese, Tom Rust, Raffy, Tim West, Tom Low, Diev Hart, Dave Craft, Brad Martin, Ward Carter, Duane Cromleigh, Emily Hutchinson, Lin Lyons, Ken Martin, Tom White, Steve Rodrigues, Charlie Nelson, George Artz, Zac Majors.
VP reported stickers in lock box. Also rated intention of looking into revising sticker issue protocol.
Tech reported new battery in wind meter.
Safety officer reported on chaotic condition of lock box, unsigned sticker forms, etc, cited the need for more care by distributors of stickers.
President reported need for more work parties on chips.
Steve reported that the GGNRA is happy with progress, but want to see sand ladder kept clear of chips, and that they are open to proposals for erosion control, but that they want the environment around launch to revert to natural condition.
President reported that there was question raised as to validity of the club vote to change 20 hour rule to 10 hours.
Emily made a motion to ask officers with less than 20 hours to step down, motion was seconded, passed 13 votes for, 1 against. All officers confirmed having 20 hours.
Tom Low stated intention to email board a draft for an amendment to bylaws.
Motion was made to buy a fire extinguisher for the clubhouse, motion was seconded, passed.