April 6th 2016 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Rob Johnson, Mitch Shipley, Tracey Storey, Urs Kellenberger, George Artz, Chuck Krantz, Chris Carrillo, Wayne Michelsen, John Simpson, Chris Valley, and Tom Rust
Guests / New Members: No guests or new members.
Great Flights: The past weekend delivered some great flying conditions - a shear occurred - the season has begun!
Fly safe, get a good site intro, and stay clear of pedestrians to get us off to a good start.
President’s Report (John Simpson): Discussion about clearing the path for landings was had - although the request to clear the path can occur, let’s not assume pedestrians will voluntarily clear the path. On weekends, when it is busy, we should land away from the pedestrian path toward the back of the LZ, where it is much safer. Make sure new pilots at the Fort are getting a solid intro and have a clear understanding of top landing - encourage new pilots to land on the beach when conditions are crowded or when the LZ is crowded. New pilots should be able to verbalize there flight plan, execute the flight plan, then debrief with their instructor or mentor. Busy weekends are not a good time for a new pilot to fly the Fort. A brief discussion about wood chips was had.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report, but memberships are coming in, and pilots need to renew their USHPA memberships and keep their memberships current. Discussion was also had about having AWCL capabilities if not the sign-off itself. Veteran pilots need to keep an eye out for all launches to ensure safety, and pick your wire help carefully.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): March minutes posted on the bulletin board.
Treasurer’s Report (Lisa Lesser): Nothing to report.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Clubhouse maintenance and upkeep continues. There are still members that have not paid their 2016 glider spot dues.
Safety Officer’s Report (Chris Carrillo): There was a dog bite incident involving two pilots. Be aware of dogs off-leash and never assume a dog is under voice control when not on a leash.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Chuck is building a spare / back-up computer and is in the processing of up-grading the bulletin board to ward off cyber attacks in the future.
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger): Nothing to report.
~ Training Bowl (Mark Lilledahl): Nothing to report.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): By Mr. President. Discussion was had about set up area maintenance. A proposal is being assembled to address site maintenance directly with the
Park - more on this later.
Old Business: No old business.
New Business: Mitch Shipley offered to answer questions about USHPA’s RRG.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM...