March 2015 Fellow Feathers Meeting
Tom White, George Artz, Tracey Story, Rob Johnson, Andrew Whitehill, Steve Rodrigues, Mike San Hanian, David Kiesling, Raffy, Kathy, Tom Rust, Tom Low, Chris Valley, Wayne Michelsen, Pat Denevan, Ken Martin, Chris Carillo, John Simpson.
Ken Martin reported that 6 pilots flew the Fort earlier in the day, signs of the spring season on the way.
V.P. Rob Johnson reported that donations accompanying applications for membership have been low.
Tandem Administrator, Urs Kellenberger reported that inspections will be forthcoming on an annual basis, no later than 12 months after previous years inspection. Tandem pilots who have not had an inspection within the last 12 months need to schedule an inspection prior to tandem flight activities.
Treasurer Steve Rodrigues reported bank balance of a bit over $12,000. A debit card was issued to Rob Johnson for purchase of pizzas for meetings. Bi annual corporation forms filed. Steve put forward a motion to increase roof replacement budget to $12,000 based on bid obtained from reputable San Francisco roofing company, motion seconded, passed. Further discussion ensued regarding maintenance of clubhouse racks / padding. Resolved to get pricing for materials for uniform overhaul of all racks for possible vote at next meeting. Discussion proceeded regarding addition of defined responsibilities of safety officer, risk mitigation, highway cones along sand trail, daily moveable caution signs.
Clubhouse Mgr George Artz reported that the lock has been changed, anyone not in possession of new key should contact George.
President Ken Martin reported that Steve Rodrigues and Chris Ellis got the new weather station installed and online.
Ken also reported on recent meeting with USHPA and GGNRA. Discussion proceeded regarding how to maintain harmonious relationship between HG and PG on the coast.
Meeting adjourned.