January 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Tracey Story
Eric Hinrichs
Mark Mulholland
Van Pelham
John Simpson
Rob Johnson
Chuck Kranz
David Kiesling
Rafael Lavin
Tom White
Mike Jefferson
Patrick Pannese
Brian Porter
Krista Taylor
Jimmie Fulton
Kathy Ong
Gene Foley
((((((( SPECIAL NOTICE) )))))) Rob Johnson will be epoxy coating the clubhouse floor on Wednesday January 30, 2013.
All gliders on the lower racks will be temporarily moved / replaced during the process. PLEASE NOTE THAT ACCESS TO GLIDERS DURING THE PROCESS WILL BE SEVERELY LIMITED.
Tracey proposed installation of an exterior light at the clubhouse entrance to correct a potentially dangerous situation. Idea was positively received. Rob Johnson will work on it.
Cones at pedestrian trail discussed.
Promotion of HG at Funston was discussed, possibility of installation of a interactive sign on the deck.
GGNRA review discussed, signage. Pilot / pedestrian etiquette identified as a top priority. All pilots are encouraged to discourage buzzing of pedestrians, and that we are all ambassadors to the public for our sport.
Mark Mullholland discussed enhancing the air races, possibly getting sponsors, raising funds for prize money and donation to charity. Patrick and Dave will help him to find sponsors, and to work on preliminary organization.
Site intro video was discussed, Dave, Van, Joe, Chris will continue to work on it.
Van brought up the fact that Tom Rust still owes the Fellow Feathers $400. Consensus was that Tom Rust should pay the club back these funds.
Van also requested an additional picnic table for the set up area. GGNRA liaison will check to see if it can be provided.
Krista Taylor was at the meeting, she is an upcoming Funston pilot. She requested a glider space as she is a condo dweller. It was agreed that the clubhouse manager's arm will be twisted to find her a space.
Tracey announced that at the February meeting some bylaw changes will be proposed and discussed.
Ad space for Mike Jefferson was discussed, a motion was put forward to rent him the space, seconded, passed unanimously.
This years stickers will be put in the safe keeping of specific pilots for safe keeping.
GGNRA Ranger Matt Waller visited the meeting and introduced himself. Matt is hot, and possibly single. He was was invited to drop in at future meetings.