Meeting Minutes 1-11-2011

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Meeting Minutes 1-11-2011

Postby fakeDecoy » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:44 pm

Attendees: Tom R, Eric M, Tim W, John T, Chuck K, Ben D, Tracy S, Van P, Ted, Duane, Mark M, Larry C, Dave K

Notable flights: Paul made it to Shelter Cove a few weeks ago.

Windsock pole replaced. Tim did all the work of getting a new pole and a few others helped install it.

President appointed Tim W est as Training Bowl Director and Eric M ies as Tandem Director.

Technology Officer Report: Lots to report. The webcam is now updating every 5 minutes. Rebuilt servers for webcam and windtalker using some donated computers. Reconfigured routers. Currently addressing security issues on the website and in the clubhouse network. Discussion of extending wifi to the setup area and adding the capability for streaming video. The network isn't currently able to support that kind of data rate.

Discussion of wording on membership form regarding notices posted in the clubhouse. Will be changed from "in" to "on" the clubhouse as per the bylaws. Change will be done next time the bylaws are updated.

Addition to bylaw wording discussed regarding giving notice to members. Motion to hold a vote for the change on the next two meetings per the bylaws. Motion not seconded, dropped.

Meeting adjourned.
Posts: 140
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:22 am

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