Meeting Minutes September 11th

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Meeting Minutes September 11th

Postby crvalley » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:10 pm

September 11th Meeting Minutes...


Steve R...President
Chris V...VP
Daniel M...Treasurer

President's Report:

Steve reported his meeting with the GGNRA went very well...we are on our way to getting our use permit renewed. The meeting with the GGNRA will cost the club $1000.00 with expected following renewals to be in the $300.00 range. GGNRA members present at the meeting were receptive to Steve's presentation and representation of the club. Steve will be meeting with maintenance personnel to go over future site issues and define certain limits we will need to adhere to with regard to chips, pruning, etc. Thank Steve the next time you see him...well done.

VP's Report:

Nothing to report other than very smooth air Wednesday evening...

Treasurer's Report:

Daniel reported we are doing well as a club and will be able to cover the meeting cost with the GGNRA. Remember the club house / glider storage dues will be increased from $20.00 to $30.00 beginning 2008 to cover expected increase in expenses...still not a bad deal for a year of glider storage. Another area discussed by Daniel was the implementation of a pilot database similar to what the Wings of Rogallo currently has...stay tuned.

Secretary Report:

Nothing to report...still searching for glider at Hull Mountain... :lol:

Safety Officer's Report:

Tom W was not present, but we discussed reminding each other to fly safe and within our own means...there is nothing worse than seeing another pilot hurt and out of the sport due to injury...please fly safe.


Gene F reminisced about flying way was good to hear about the pilots he flew with and the history of our site...take the time to learn about the history of our sport and flying Fort Funston...

Meeting adjourned around 9:30...

Fly safe and have fun!

Fellow Feathers
Posts: 214
Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:16 am

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