January 13th 2016 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes

January 13th 2016 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Saeid Shekarchi, Mark Lilledahl, Rick Hawkins, David Kiesling, Steve Toney, Lauren Pedrazzi, Zac Majors, Urs Kellenberger, Charlie Nelson, George Artz, Joey Villaflor, Tom Rust, Paul Sussman, Rob Johnson, Janica Lee, Arturo Melean, Steve Rodriques, Chuck Kranz, Larry Carpenter, Wayne Michelsen, John Simpson, Lisa Lesser, Chris Valley
Guests / New Members: No guests or new members.
Great Flights: Lauren was back in the air in her Falcon.
President’s Report (John Simpson): Nothing to report.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report (Lisa Lesser): Nothing to report.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Clubhouse is still there.
Safety Officer’s Report (Chris Carillo): No safety issues to report.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Chuck is working on upgrades and addressing any bugs that may exist. Welcome back Chuck!
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger): Nothing to report.
~ Training Bowl (Mark Lilledahl): The south slope has eroded to make for a great training bowl - thank you Mother Nature.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): GGNRA started annual review - forms to be filled out - Use Permit filled out for another year.
Old Business: No old business.
New Business: Members present discussed USHPA’s RRG insurance efforts and its impact on the flying site. Mr. President discussed USHPA’s RRG insurance and suggested Fellow Feather’s donate $4000 - Motion posed by Steve Rodriques and seconded by CRV - motion passed. The Club will donate $4000 to USHPA’s RRG insurance program.
Mr. President proposed we have our meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. Mr. Rust proposed we have quarterly meetings. Various discussions about other meeting time scenarios. Mr. President motioned having the meetings on the first Wednesday of each month - Urs seconded - majority vote in favor. Reason for the change is to accommodate all Board Members attendance and to not conflict with BAPA meetings.
Mr. President proposed a quality video be sent to the GGNRA for promotion of the sport and Park visitation. Mr. President motioned a video be produced - motion was seconded - majority vote to have Joey produce the video.
Wayne pleaded with all pilots to donate to USHPA’s RRG efforts - it is important the RRG gets adequately funded.
Saeid expressed concern about all of the above.
Janica approved of the helmet sticker color for 2016.
Meeting adjourned...
In Attendance: Saeid Shekarchi, Mark Lilledahl, Rick Hawkins, David Kiesling, Steve Toney, Lauren Pedrazzi, Zac Majors, Urs Kellenberger, Charlie Nelson, George Artz, Joey Villaflor, Tom Rust, Paul Sussman, Rob Johnson, Janica Lee, Arturo Melean, Steve Rodriques, Chuck Kranz, Larry Carpenter, Wayne Michelsen, John Simpson, Lisa Lesser, Chris Valley
Guests / New Members: No guests or new members.
Great Flights: Lauren was back in the air in her Falcon.
President’s Report (John Simpson): Nothing to report.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report (Lisa Lesser): Nothing to report.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Clubhouse is still there.
Safety Officer’s Report (Chris Carillo): No safety issues to report.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Chuck is working on upgrades and addressing any bugs that may exist. Welcome back Chuck!
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger): Nothing to report.
~ Training Bowl (Mark Lilledahl): The south slope has eroded to make for a great training bowl - thank you Mother Nature.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): GGNRA started annual review - forms to be filled out - Use Permit filled out for another year.
Old Business: No old business.
New Business: Members present discussed USHPA’s RRG insurance efforts and its impact on the flying site. Mr. President discussed USHPA’s RRG insurance and suggested Fellow Feather’s donate $4000 - Motion posed by Steve Rodriques and seconded by CRV - motion passed. The Club will donate $4000 to USHPA’s RRG insurance program.
Mr. President proposed we have our meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. Mr. Rust proposed we have quarterly meetings. Various discussions about other meeting time scenarios. Mr. President motioned having the meetings on the first Wednesday of each month - Urs seconded - majority vote in favor. Reason for the change is to accommodate all Board Members attendance and to not conflict with BAPA meetings.
Mr. President proposed a quality video be sent to the GGNRA for promotion of the sport and Park visitation. Mr. President motioned a video be produced - motion was seconded - majority vote to have Joey produce the video.
Wayne pleaded with all pilots to donate to USHPA’s RRG efforts - it is important the RRG gets adequately funded.
Saeid expressed concern about all of the above.
Janica approved of the helmet sticker color for 2016.
Meeting adjourned...