Meeting Minutes, March 2009

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Meeting Minutes, March 2009

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:15 pm

Meeting Minutes, March 2009

In attendance; Steve, Damien, Dirk, Rafie, Van, Chris.V, John S, Daniel M, Daniel P, Mike J, Ted, Walter, Erik M, Jason.

Steve reported;

- New T-shirts are in and should always have some on hand.

- new windsocks are on the way thanks to Chris V. and the other guys who are all helping out take care of the flying site!

- SR is still working on Fed and CA non profit applications but needs legal advice. Request for an $800- retainer, motion made made, voted and passed.

- Our GGNRA liaison Jessica Carter got hang gliding into the GGNRA master plan! She is helping us get a 5 year special use agreement.

- SR handed stickers over to Eric Mies who is now in charge of sticker packets and collecting signed waivers.

- All members need to check pilots for their helmet stickers!

- Dog bite problem is getting serious. Eric M was bitten badly. SR to file report with GGNRA and request action.

- SR requested review of H-2 rule "All H-2 launches must be sponsored by an Advanced Funston pilot or Mentor". It is concluded that there is no clear definition for the term "Advanced Pilot". After much discussion a motion was made to change the rule in question to: "All H-2 flights shall be supervised by a Sponsor approved by the majority of the Executive Committee" Voted and passed.

- SR made proposal made to add line to H-2 rules: " Only one H-2 may be in the air at any one time. H-2 flights shall be limited to 30 minutes if another H-2 pilot is waiting to launch." Voted and passed.

- SR made proposal to revive the Funston Air Races as monthly events with a final race at the Dan Murphy Memorial. SR requested $150- to purchase a timing board, stop watches and pylons. Voted and passed.

Officers reports:

Treasurer Daniel M: This months beginning balance: $6,100.00, ending balance: $7,600.00.

Clubhouse manager Charlie N. is on holiday, all clubhouse issues should be directed to SR until his return in 6 weeks or so.

Technology Officer Daniel P will update FF forms on website, also confirm that FF is set up with PayPal.

Tandem Director Steve R says Tandem Instructor Alex Cuddy is NOT approved to fly tandem at Fort Funston.

Training Bowl Director Tom J. has plans for a work party to clean up the site. Anyone interested in flying the training bowl should contact Tom.

Pizza finished, meeting adjourned.
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Steve Rodrigues
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Posts: 723
Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 10:57 pm
Location: Brisbane, California

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