April 6th 2017 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Joey Villaflor, Wayne Michelsen, Chris Valley, John Simpson, Chuck Kranz, Lisa Lesser, Walter Whiteside, Rob Johnson, Steve Rodriques, Jim Mueller, Dave Egli, Sean Matthes
Guests / New Members: Sean Matthes
Great Flights: Great flights at Dunlap - Joey had a 3 hour, 56 minute flight. Lisa flew her PG at Dunlap. CRV had a 1 hour, 45 minute flight at Tam. Dave Egli had a few good flights at McClure, Marina, and Dunlap. Rowdy flights at McClure this past weekend.
President’s Report (Joey Villaflor): Lisa, John, Chuck, and Joey trimmed the grass on launch. Plan in place to keep the launch area maintained.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): March meeting minutes posted.
Treasurer’s Report (Lisa Lesser): Nothing to report.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): All dues are paid except for three pilots. Clubhouse maintenance continues.
Safety Officer’s Report (John Simpson): Pilots are responsible to make sure the launch area is clear and to maintain 25-foot clearance to people on the ground. All pilots need to know and adhere to ridge soaring rules.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Cleaning up and maintaining our computer system.
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger): Not present - nothing to report.
~ Training Bowl (Mark Lilledahl): Mark resigned from from the position. President appointed John Simpson to Safety Bowl Administrator.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): GGNRA would like a Knox Box installed. Steve walked through the clubhouse for our annual inspection - a few items to be addressed, but the Club will address to maintain compliance.
Old Business: Discussion of revised airspace boundaries.
New Business: No new business.
Meeting adjourned at 8:23PM.