June 2015 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes

Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes for June 9, 2015
Charlie Nelson, Dave Kiesling, Lauren Pedrazzi, Chris Carillo, Chris Ellis, Ray Spear, George Artz, Steve Rodrigues, Rob Johnson.
VP Rob Johnson presided while Prez Ken Martin was out of the country on business.
Discussion on how to best educate and have a positive influence on PG pilots flying in from the Dumps. Steve read the 6 proposed guidelines for all pilots, both HG and PG, that if accepted by FF and BAPA, would be included in our respective Special Use Agreements. This common language should satisfy the GGNRA’s mandate.
Proposed permanent language for both BAPA and Fellow Feathers Special Use Permits:
1. All pilots shall observe International Ridge Soaring Rules.
2. All pilots shall use caution and courtesy when flying near other aircraft:
a. Pilots shall not pass upwind of another aircraft in such a way that would intentionally and dangerously wake the other aircraft.
b. Pilots shall respect a minimum safe distance from other aircraft of 25’ in all directions, unless prior mutual consent is obtained.
3. No pilot shall linger upwind or in front of any launch site in such a way that would prevent another pilot from launching safely.
4. No pilot shall linger upwind or in front of any landing zone or landing window in such a way that would prevent another pilot from landing safely.
5. No pilot shall enter an established soaring pattern if their joining that pattern would create a safety hazard or cause another pilot to take evasive action to remain in that pattern.
6. No pilot shall deliberately intimidate another pilot by flying in an aggressive or threatening manner.
Meeting adjourned.
Charlie Nelson, Dave Kiesling, Lauren Pedrazzi, Chris Carillo, Chris Ellis, Ray Spear, George Artz, Steve Rodrigues, Rob Johnson.
VP Rob Johnson presided while Prez Ken Martin was out of the country on business.
Discussion on how to best educate and have a positive influence on PG pilots flying in from the Dumps. Steve read the 6 proposed guidelines for all pilots, both HG and PG, that if accepted by FF and BAPA, would be included in our respective Special Use Agreements. This common language should satisfy the GGNRA’s mandate.
Proposed permanent language for both BAPA and Fellow Feathers Special Use Permits:
1. All pilots shall observe International Ridge Soaring Rules.
2. All pilots shall use caution and courtesy when flying near other aircraft:
a. Pilots shall not pass upwind of another aircraft in such a way that would intentionally and dangerously wake the other aircraft.
b. Pilots shall respect a minimum safe distance from other aircraft of 25’ in all directions, unless prior mutual consent is obtained.
3. No pilot shall linger upwind or in front of any launch site in such a way that would prevent another pilot from launching safely.
4. No pilot shall linger upwind or in front of any landing zone or landing window in such a way that would prevent another pilot from landing safely.
5. No pilot shall enter an established soaring pattern if their joining that pattern would create a safety hazard or cause another pilot to take evasive action to remain in that pattern.
6. No pilot shall deliberately intimidate another pilot by flying in an aggressive or threatening manner.
Meeting adjourned.