March 2014 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes

Tom White, Zac Majors, David Kiesling, Rick Hawkins, Chuck Kranz, Chester Browne, Brad Martin, Tom Rust, Duane Cromleigh, Emily Hutchinson, Van Pelham, Tom Low, Urs Kellenberger, Karl Almandinger, Wayne Michelson, Walt Nielsen, Chris Valley, Rafael Lavin, Steve Morris, George Artz, Darrel Robbins, Steve Rodrigues, Ken Martin
VP Ken Martin reported on meeting with prior president.
Safety officer reported on crash into bushes by pilot.
Discussion of safety issues regarding low hour pilots. Discussion of policy for landing in front of sand trail. Motion was put forward for H4 only landing forward of cones. Motion seconded, voted 11 in favor, 13 against. Motion failed.
10 hour rule was discussed for the remainder of the meeting.
Motion was put forward to impeach Tom White as secretary, motion seconded, voted 11 in favor, 14 against. Motion failed.
Treasurer reported depositing aproximately $800.
Clubhouse manager reported change of locks complete.
Zac re appointed Steve Rodrigues as GGNRA liaison.
Meeting adjourned.
Tom White, Zac Majors, David Kiesling, Rick Hawkins, Chuck Kranz, Chester Browne, Brad Martin, Tom Rust, Duane Cromleigh, Emily Hutchinson, Van Pelham, Tom Low, Urs Kellenberger, Karl Almandinger, Wayne Michelson, Walt Nielsen, Chris Valley, Rafael Lavin, Steve Morris, George Artz, Darrel Robbins, Steve Rodrigues, Ken Martin
VP Ken Martin reported on meeting with prior president.
Safety officer reported on crash into bushes by pilot.
Discussion of safety issues regarding low hour pilots. Discussion of policy for landing in front of sand trail. Motion was put forward for H4 only landing forward of cones. Motion seconded, voted 11 in favor, 13 against. Motion failed.
10 hour rule was discussed for the remainder of the meeting.
Motion was put forward to impeach Tom White as secretary, motion seconded, voted 11 in favor, 14 against. Motion failed.
Treasurer reported depositing aproximately $800.
Clubhouse manager reported change of locks complete.
Zac re appointed Steve Rodrigues as GGNRA liaison.
Meeting adjourned.