February 2015 Fellow Feathers Meeting

Chris Ellis, Chris Carrillo, George Artz, Tracey Story, Wayne Michelsen, David Kiesling, Steve Rodrigues, Urs Kellenberger, Rob Johnson, Ken Martin, Tom White
President Ken Martin discussed his thoughts on agenda for the year, which includes improvements to the site such as clean up of clubhouse, dating clubhouse rules, volunteering time / resources to GGNRA, improvement of set up area, working on sand trail issues, signage. He also discussed tune up, and security of website. Continued work on safety issues / increased pedestrian traffic. Encouraging member participation at meetings.
Ken reported on rebuild of windsock pole / basket / new windsock in place. New pole is heavier and stronger than old.
Ken mentioned upcoming GGNRA / USHPA meeting.
Vice President Rob Johnson reported on membership renewals. Mentioned that donation amounts are lower this year. Of 91 voting members, 68 have paid, 23 have not.
Treasurer Steve Rodrigues reported bank balance of $13,815. Site insurance up $50 over last year. There is a $420 ATT credit.
Safety Officer Chris Carrillo reported very little flying due to weather, no safety issues to report.
Tech Officer Chris Ellis reported that he is getting a handle on things regarding website.
Clubhouse Mgr George Artz reported that there are 4 available lockers. Lock will be changed mid month. Many racks need renewal, discussion followed.
Tandem Admin Urs Kellenberger reported that he will be doing equipment / documentation inspections soon.
Secretary Tom White had no issued to report.
Steve made a proposal to amend 25’ rule to 50’, discussion proceeded, motion was made to continue discussion at next meeting, motion seconded, passed.
Meeting adjourned.
Chris Ellis, Chris Carrillo, George Artz, Tracey Story, Wayne Michelsen, David Kiesling, Steve Rodrigues, Urs Kellenberger, Rob Johnson, Ken Martin, Tom White
President Ken Martin discussed his thoughts on agenda for the year, which includes improvements to the site such as clean up of clubhouse, dating clubhouse rules, volunteering time / resources to GGNRA, improvement of set up area, working on sand trail issues, signage. He also discussed tune up, and security of website. Continued work on safety issues / increased pedestrian traffic. Encouraging member participation at meetings.
Ken reported on rebuild of windsock pole / basket / new windsock in place. New pole is heavier and stronger than old.
Ken mentioned upcoming GGNRA / USHPA meeting.
Vice President Rob Johnson reported on membership renewals. Mentioned that donation amounts are lower this year. Of 91 voting members, 68 have paid, 23 have not.
Treasurer Steve Rodrigues reported bank balance of $13,815. Site insurance up $50 over last year. There is a $420 ATT credit.
Safety Officer Chris Carrillo reported very little flying due to weather, no safety issues to report.
Tech Officer Chris Ellis reported that he is getting a handle on things regarding website.
Clubhouse Mgr George Artz reported that there are 4 available lockers. Lock will be changed mid month. Many racks need renewal, discussion followed.
Tandem Admin Urs Kellenberger reported that he will be doing equipment / documentation inspections soon.
Secretary Tom White had no issued to report.
Steve made a proposal to amend 25’ rule to 50’, discussion proceeded, motion was made to continue discussion at next meeting, motion seconded, passed.
Meeting adjourned.