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July 2, 2020 Fellow Feathers' Meeting Minutes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:58 pm
by RonB
In attendance;
  • Steve Rodrigues (Treasurer, GGNRA Liason)
  • Ron Barry (Secretary, VP)
  • Brad (Safety Officer)
  • Urs (Tandem Director)
  • Chris Valley
  • John Taylor
  • Isaiah Clapp (President)
  • Jessica Koerner
  • Susannah (Brad Martin, Safety Director
  • George
  • Angelina Li

Important Notes;

  • Parking lot is closed for the weekend.
  • Windsock has been replaced.
  • How can we get a delivery of wood chips?
  • Interested to hear about the drainage progress.

  • No new applications this month.

Treasurer/GGNRA Liason/speaking for clubhouse officer;
  • $21,364.34, minus $12 roofing fund: $9,364.34
  • Still waiting to get $$$ from about 10 people w/ clubhouse slots.
  • SUP coming up in about 90 days. Steve will ask if we have to pay our
    Service District Charge at that time.
  • Parking lot work has been put on hold, but we've been given permission to
    maintain our sandbags.
  • Webcam went black for a day or two, then came back up. George had disconnected
    from the call, so we don't know if he did something to fix it.
  • Stever will meet with (?) to look at the extra room in the clubhouse.

Safety Director
  • Had an accident at The Fort (June 22), where a student pilot (H3) launched in
    strong conditions under the supervision of an instructor. Pilot came down hard
    and took out a downtube or two. Instructor has been
    asked to restrict the conditions in which they'll launch students, and keep them
    on radio.
  • There was a bush landing (on the 17th?) Pilot's okay, no damage.

Tandem Admin
  • There have been tandems, safely, recently.
  • If you want to tandem Funston, Urs needs to see your gear.

New Business
  • Ken Martin (former pres) is moving. Had a huge box of sweatshirts and has
    donated them to the club. They will be next to the donation box in the clubhouse.
    Feel free to take on (and drop something in the box if you're feeling generous.)
  • Two pilots posted on the WoR website that they flew off Ed Levin. One was not
    a USHPA-rated pilot - at all. Please keep your eyes peeled for helmet stickers.
  • Jessica asked if she could get a second spot in the clubhouse. We have a few
    people with 2 slots, but they are obligated to give one up should someone ask
    for a first slot. Steve will contact anyone who 1) hasn't paid their dues or 2)
    doesn't have their 10 FF hours in the last year about vacating.

  • Missing website graphs: The WeatherUnderground graphs were being pulled from
    their website through an API that is no longer supported.
  • now has a station for Fort Funston that shows current
    conditions. This is using the anemometer from the system Brad gave the club
    last month.