December 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes:
In attendance: Urs Kellenberger, JohnTaylor, Wayne Michelson, Chris Valley, Rick Hawkins, Chris Carillo, Darrel Robbins, Jim Mueller, Diev Hart, Janica Lee, Chester Browne, Chuck Kranz, Zac Majors, Brian Spyksma, Enzo Fatica, Ben Reese, Krista Taylor, John Simpson, Tom Rust, Carmela Moreno, Ben Dunn, Karl Almendinger, Chris Ellis, Paul Sussman, David Royer, Larry Carpenter, Rafael Lavin, George Artz, Ken Martin, Van Pelham, Pat Denevan, Patrick Pannese, Steve Rodrigues, David Kiesling, Charlie Nelson, Rob Johnson, Natalie, Tracey Story, Eric Hinrich, Brad Martin, Emily Hutchinson, Ward Carter, Tom White, Brian Porter, Chuck Kranz
Chuck Kranz reported on tech issues.
Zac reported that the tandem program had a perfect safety record this year. Inspections of equipment for the New Year must be completed.
Tom Rust reported the existence of exposed wires behind our clubhouse which he believed to be live. (NPS personnel subsequently checked the wires and found them to be inactive).
Steve reported that as requested in our last club meeting, he looked into using our waiver for spectators who want to stand in front of the cones while gliders are launching. He found that the waiver is not valid without a USHPA membership.
Steve also reported on a recent NPS inspection of the wood chip removal project that he, Dave Kiesling, and Tracey attended. The NPS was largely positive about the progress, but requested that additional chips be removed from the north slope. The NPS will institute a quarterly inspection going forward to ensure that the wood chips are being kept off the sand trail by our members as we previously agreed to do.
The NPS also discussed that if our club wishes to use ground covering for our launch area in the future other than wood chips, we can submit a request to do so. Additionally, the NPS mandated that going forward; the safety dugout is off limits.
Tracey reported that the NPS immediately filled in the worst gaps in the sand ladder after we pointed out to them at the wood chip inspection how severe and dangerous the gaps were.
Tom White brought up the proposed bylaws amendments regarding disciplinary protocols, membership revocation, and clarification of majority vote. Discussions ensued. A motion was made and passed to discuss the amendments further and vote on them at a future meeting to allow more time for tonight’s elections.
Steve pointed out that Tom R. had not reimbursed the club for the $400 he borrowed in 2012. Some members pointed out that they previously made donations to the club to help repay Tom’s debt and that they weren’t expecting to be reimbursed for it. It was brought up that Tracey previously made a $180 donation to the club to help repay the $400 not as payment in Tom’s name, but to relieve the club of the outstanding debt. Steve asked Tom R. to reimburse Tracey the $180. Tom agreed to do so. (Tracey subsequently received a $180 check from Tom)
Some members nominated for Board positions at November’s club meeting declined the nominations. Additional members were nominated and accepted.
All members running for the Board were given time to make a speech.
Election of officers for 2014 was held by paper ballots. Wayne M. and Chris V. were appointed by Tracey to oversee handing out the ballots, collecting them, and tallying the results. Tracey asked if anyone present had an issue with Wayne and Chris V. overseeing the voting. No one did.
Election results as follows: President: Zac Majors, Vice President: Ken Martin, Secretary: Tom White, Treasurer: Van Pelham, Safety Officer: David Kiesling, Clubhouse Mgr: George Artz, Tech Officer: Chuck Kranz.
As mandated by our bylaws, an annual Board of Directors and Business Meeting was conducted. All officers were present and queried on their annual reports. The Treasurer reported the club’s financial summary to be satisfactory. The Board of Directors Meeting was adjourned.
The December Fellow Feathers meeting adjourned.
A warm thanks was expressed by many members for the hard work, dedication, and exceptional job that Tracey Story did as president in 2013. Tracey will be sorely missed.