Pat Denevan, Tom Rust, Chris Carillo, Paul Sussman, Steve Rodrigues, Dave Kiesling, Rob Johnson, Wayne Michelsen, Dave Eggli, Charlie Nelson, George Artz, Urs Kellenberger, Ken Martin, Tom White
President reports tonight’s meeting will include 1st vote on revision to bylaws to increase maximum suspension by club officer to up to 14 days. A pilot was intending to bypass club protocol to complain to other authorities regarding an alleged violation of club rules, situation was diffused. Disciplinary hearing scheduled regarding above complaint, hearing will be fair and without prejudice. Reported on Fellow Feathers / BAPA negotiations toward agreement between clubs, and upcoming SUP renewals.
Rob Johnson will chair next months meeting in Ken Martins absence.
V.P. reports there will be upcoming work party on some clubhouse maintenance.
Treasurer reports bank balance of $15,443., will be $15,673 after additional deposits.
Club House Mgr reports there is a n ew dent in north side of building.
Safety Officer reports no recent incidents. “Rope Dance” training concept brought up for discussion.
Tech - Ken reports that the website is stable at this time.
Tandem Admin reports that all tandem pilot’s equipment has been inspected, including flying wires, harnesses, emergency parachutes, and there are now holographic sticks on gliders cross bars.
Training Bowl Admin reports no recent training activity in bowl.
Motion was forwarded regarding increasing officer’s ability to issue suspensions for up to 14 days, motion seconded. Secret ballot vote was taken, results were tallied by Dave Eggli. Motion passed 11 yes votes to 2 no votes. second vote will occur at next month’s meeting.
Meeting adjourned.