September 2015 Fellow Feathers Meeting

In attendance:
Tom White, Ken Martin, David Egli, George Artz, Urs Kellenberger, Wayne Michelsen, , Bill Sprague, Mike Leuthow (spelling?), Steve Rodrigues, Rob Johnson, Chris Carrillo, Eric Hinrichs, Chris Ellis
Officer reports:
President spoke of the success of the Raffy Memorial BBQ, huge turnout, great time. 1 pilot was suspended for violation of the 25' rule. Discussion proceeded regarding changing Rules and Bylaws to allow officers to issue suspensions for up to 14 days without a hearing. Show of hands indicated majority of members support the change. Ken reported that the FF SUP is up for renewal shortly, and steps being taken to assure this.
V.P. gave a report of new stickers issued.
Treasurer reported bank balance of $16473. Budget being met, Proceeds of t shirt sales $100. BBQ cost $300.
Safety officer reported on accident report filed with USHPA regarding recent pilot fatality due to equipment failure.
Clubhouse Mgr reported 2 spaces available, and commented on the great job Rob Johnson did painting the clubhouse floor. Big thanks to Rob from all!
Tech officer reported on weather station maintenance, ropes camera, ongoing DSL issues, and need for auto re-boot of computer.
Tandem Administrator reported new equipment inspection stickers will be issued to tandem pilots, new requirement for side wires replacement annually -proof of purchase required.
Meeting adjourned.
Tom White, Ken Martin, David Egli, George Artz, Urs Kellenberger, Wayne Michelsen, , Bill Sprague, Mike Leuthow (spelling?), Steve Rodrigues, Rob Johnson, Chris Carrillo, Eric Hinrichs, Chris Ellis
Officer reports:
President spoke of the success of the Raffy Memorial BBQ, huge turnout, great time. 1 pilot was suspended for violation of the 25' rule. Discussion proceeded regarding changing Rules and Bylaws to allow officers to issue suspensions for up to 14 days without a hearing. Show of hands indicated majority of members support the change. Ken reported that the FF SUP is up for renewal shortly, and steps being taken to assure this.
V.P. gave a report of new stickers issued.
Treasurer reported bank balance of $16473. Budget being met, Proceeds of t shirt sales $100. BBQ cost $300.
Safety officer reported on accident report filed with USHPA regarding recent pilot fatality due to equipment failure.
Clubhouse Mgr reported 2 spaces available, and commented on the great job Rob Johnson did painting the clubhouse floor. Big thanks to Rob from all!
Tech officer reported on weather station maintenance, ropes camera, ongoing DSL issues, and need for auto re-boot of computer.
Tandem Administrator reported new equipment inspection stickers will be issued to tandem pilots, new requirement for side wires replacement annually -proof of purchase required.
Meeting adjourned.