September 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Jim Mueller, Daniel Munoz, Tracey Story, Rob Johnson, Darrel Robbins, Jimmie Fulton, John Simpson, Diev Hart, Tom Rust, Chuck Kranz, Duane Cromleigh, Rick Hawkins, Emily Hutchinson, Van Pelham, Brian Porter, Patrick Panese, Ben Reese, Steve Rodriguez, Zereg Cantel (spelling?) Tom White, David Kiesling.
Van gave a report on finances / budget. Motion to approve fiscal year 10/13 – 09/14 budget was seconded, passed.
Chuck Kranz agreed to stay on as Tech Officer - Thanks Chuck!
The members were informed that D. Sondergeld has been corresponding with the GGNRA to request that the pg’s special use permit be modified to eliminate the clause that states flight boundaries. A discussion ensued.
Motion was made to grant Tracey a waiver to 10 hour rule, was seconded, passed.
Chips removal project was discussed, a consensus was reached for the club’s response to the GGNRA for project / time frame.
The GGNRA’s request that we further define our launch area was discussed, a consensus was reached for the club’s response.
A pilot was given a one week suspension under Bylaws Article 11, Section 1: “For violating Fort Funston or generally accepted rules and conduct”.
Meeting adjourned.