Treasurer's Report. July 2008.

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Treasurer's Report. July 2008.

Postby mdaniel » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:31 pm

July 2008
Opening Balance: $4,968.54

$67.00 Refreshments for meeting (Jul)
$80.00 Site clean-up (May,Jul)
$30.00 PG&E. Clubhouse (Jul)
$25.00 AT&T. Windtalker (Aug)
$ 9.79 Web hosting (Jul)
$28.95 Coastside DSL (Jul)
$25.43 Site maintenance.
Total expenditures: $266.17

$241.00 Donations (May-Jun)
$360.00 T-Shirt donations (Jun)
$385.00 Glider Auction Donations (2008)
$100.00 Membership (Jul)
$100.00 T-Shirt donations (Jul)
Total deposits: $1,186.00

Ending Balance: $5,888.37
Posts: 24
Joined: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:53 am

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