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Minutes 13 February 2007

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:47 am
by Gw.
Fellow Feathers
13 February 2007

Present were:

Daniel M. + pizza
Jason B. (newbie)
Joe J. (newbie)


- Daniel M. and Attila discuss (financial) reconciliation matters at length. It seems Daniel's software will add one-more-digit precision after the decimal point.
- Cheers for Daniel P. and his work on the website and new weather station.
- People recall Sunday, first real flying day in a long time. Daniel M. went to the beach after the wind died on his way back from Westlake.
- Brief comment is made about spins and related dangers.

President report and associated items

- Steve reminds all that we need to enforce rules and regulations. To this effect, 30-day suspension is given to a H3, new to the site, who tried to go to Westlake without prior sponsorship/intro and landed abruptly on the plateau between first and second ridges.
- One pilot is also suspended for violating the 25-ft clearance rule.
- Tom reminds that landing process should be started early to allow for corrections should there be spectators in the way.
- Discussion about rules and regulations enforcement ensues: mentors should more active, information should be easier to find on the website, H3 and newbies will get Westlake form to sign with their regular sticker package. Brian suggests adding a "New to Fort Funston?" page on the website.
- Zero tolerance? Discretion should be applied,
o flying rules apply to all pilots
o pilots on the ground should not be treated any differently than non-pilots, i.e. it's not because one signed a waiver that it's alright they be whacked in the head by a careless pilot buzzing the launch.
- Officers should lead by example and all officers should enforce the rules.
- Cones should be moved back closer to launch (e.g. from corner of bush to fence) so that pedestrians can better identify our area and stay out of it.

Vice-President report and associated items

- Chris is transferring clubhouse duties to Rafi.
- New lock will be installed on 1 March 2007
- New keys have been mailed.

Treasurer report and associated items

- Daniel M. will use bank balance for his reports, beginning with next report.
- For January, balance: $4568, expenses: $91, clubhouse fees: $430
- From what I understood, Daniel M. is running a pretty elaborate pyramid scheme...
- Motion is passed to extend $250 to Urs for his trip to the BOD meeting in Colorado

Club house and associated items

- New lock will be installed on 1 March 2007
- New keys have been mailed.

Old business

- Brian reports that incorporation paperwork is ready, with the exception of club name. It appears we cannot have a "/" in our name. "Fellow Feathers of Fort Funston Hang Gliding Club" is chosen for incorporation purposes. Paperwork should be signed and mailed after next meeting.

New business

- Brian offers to organize Fort Funston Air Race events and is appointed Race Director.
- Rafi is appointed BBQ Chef.

Meeting adjourned.