Meeting minutes November 2009

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Meeting minutes November 2009

Postby tom white » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:05 am

Present: Chris Valley, Daniel Mizyrycki, Eric Meese, Rafael Lavin, Walter Whiteside, Charlie Nelson, Steve Rodriguez, Dan Pifko, Tom White.

Tom White reporting.

1) Revised clubhouse rules and waiver form by Dan Brown submitted by Steve Rodriguez. Adds wording regarding liability. Seconded, passed by unanimous vote.

2) Disciplinary protocol added to rules package, was only in bylaws, now in sticker package. Submitted, seconded, passed by unanimous vote.

3) Proposed budget for 2010 submitted by Steve, seconded, passed by unanimous vote.

4) New sticker packages are ready.

5) Chris will get new lock / keys made. To be sent out 1st of January

6) Outstanding non payment of dues discussed, (5 pilots). Charlie will
attempt further contact.

7) Upcoming vacancies on board discussed. Steve Rodrigues, Dan Pifko, Dan Mizyrycki will be retiring. We need candidates for president, tech officer, treasurer.

Meeting adjourned.
tom white
Posts: 56
Joined: Sun May 23, 2004 8:09 am
Location: San Francisco

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