February 2013 Meeting Minutes

Tim W, Tom R, Chuck K, Chris C, Ted L, Armand, John S, Patrick P, Steve R, Walter W, Chris E, CRV, Zippy, Charlie N, Robert ON, Brian P, Steve M, Rob J, Mark M, Tom L, Tracey S, Diev, Michael G, Mark Z, Dave K, Janica, Urs, George, Ken M.
Safety Director - Steve Rodrigues resigned. A new Safety Director is needed.
Tech Officer – Chuck is upgrading the website extensively with HTML5 and other stuff and working on the servers.
GGNRA Liaison – The club has an annual review coming up. Steve reminds the members that we need to keep the place looking nice and not cause any problems. The broken windsock pole (strong winds) was recently replaced by Ward, and others who helped install it.
Rob’s clubhouse maintenance - Rob swept and attempted to paint the clubhouse floor as planned but couldn’t get the floor warm enough. The floor needs to be warm for the paint to dry. The exterior safety light was installed as planned and is operational. There is a lot of stuff in the clubhouse that has piled up again since the last cleaning where pickup truck loads of stuff was hauled away.
Westlake cam – The issue with Tom R and the cost of the webcam has been resolved. There is an additional $80 outstanding for the purchase cost of the webcam that the club is accepting donations to cover.
Competitions – Mark M is still brainstorming comp plans. The annual Air Races event is still on and he won’t mess with it. He suggests possibly a 2 day event, possibly taking over the park and charging admission. Members have doubts about whether that would be allowed. Mark said something about something that would cost $20,000-$25,000 and could be paid for by sponsors. Further discussion referred to committee composed of Mark M, Rob J, Steve R, and Zac M.
Windsocks – 2 windsocks have been ordered by Larry.
Tracey reminds the club to be considerate of paragliders and pedestrians. Buzzing paragliders and possibly unwilling pedestrians on the cliff will result in suspensions.
New Safety Director needed. Dave K nominated, accepted nomination. No other nominations. Voted in by majority.
Bylaw amendments. First of the required two consecutive votes for a bylaw change, subsequent to the required announcement on the website 10 days prior to the first vote. Votes conducted as below after varying amounts of discussion resulting in some modifications to the originally prepared changes.
Note that a couple of changes below are described incrementally due to overlapping changes. Where applicable the minutes refer to the change already proposed and voted in favor of when proposing a further change.
Article 8 Sec 3
Change “WEB” to “web”.
Passed by 2/3 vote.
Article 8 Sec 3
“A list of nominees is posted on the Clubhouse door and may be placed on the Club’s web site prior to the November meeting”
“A list of nominees is posted on the Club’s web site prior to the November meeting”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 8 Sec 3
change “November” to “December”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 6 Sec 1
“Any change in the usual date, time or location will be posted on the Clubhouse door prior to each meeting.”
“Any change in the usual date, time or location will be posted on the club web site prior to each meeting.”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 6 Sec 3
“The Annual Business Meeting of the Club is held during the month of December.”
“The Annual Board of Directors and Business Meeting of the Club is held during the month of December.”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 6 Sec 3
Change part B
“Presentation by the Treasurer of an annual financial summary including a review of the past year’s financial results. and a proposed budget for the new fiscal year, for approval by the members.”
“Presentation by the Treasurer of an annual financial summary including a review of the past year’s financial results.”
And change part C
“Election of Officers for the new fiscal year.”
“Election of Officers for the new year.”
Passed by 2/3 vote.
Article 5 Sec 2
Split up as is into additional sections 3, 4, and 5.
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 5 Sec 4
“By majority vote the Executive Committee may waive the 20-hour flying requirement to allow members who have made contributions to flying at Fort Funston to become voting members. The Executive Committee shall not waive the flying requirement for more than 3 members at any one time.”
“By majority vote the club members may waive the 20-hour flying requirement to allow members who have made contributions to flying at Fort Funston to become voting members. The Club may have three voting members who have not fulfilled the flying requirement. These members shall be selected by a majority vote of the Club members. The waivers shall be for the remainder of the calendar year. The Club members may grant waivers only when the number of waivers is not more than three.”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 5 Sec 2
“Voting members shall be pilots who have flown hang gliders at Fort Funston for more than 20 hours in the calendar year preceding the year in which they are entitled to vote”
"To vote in a Club meeting, a pilot must have flown a hang glider for flights that originated at Fort Funston, for a total of 20 hours in the twelve months preceding the meeting."
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 5
“Section 5: No member or Director may vote by proxy. In accordance with California Corporate Code 7610, each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. In accordance with California Corporate Code 7211, each Director shall have one vote on each matter presented to the board of directors for action.”
Passed by 2/3 vote, unanimous
Article 5 Sec 2
Change "20 hours” to “10 hours”.
And Article 5 Sec 4 - Change “20-hour” to “10-hour”
Passed by 2/3 vote. 20 in favor, 7 opposed.
End of bylaw votes.
Zac M suggested moving the yearly officer elections to November to allow for a December filled with more holiday cheer. General consensus was that elections usually consist of begging members to volunteer for office and aren’t contentious. No action taken.
Mark M suggested removing the second of two required votes for bylaw changes, a requirement that itself is in the bylaws and would require two votes to change. No general support. No action taken.
Tom R suggested 4 meetings per year instead of 12. No general support. No action taken.
Ranger Matt showed up as the meeting adjourned.
Minutes taken by Dave K in Tom W’s absence. Thanks, Dave.
Tim W, Tom R, Chuck K, Chris C, Ted L, Armand, John S, Patrick P, Steve R, Walter W, Chris E, CRV, Zippy, Charlie N, Robert ON, Brian P, Steve M, Rob J, Mark M, Tom L, Tracey S, Diev, Michael G, Mark Z, Dave K, Janica, Urs, George, Ken M.
Safety Director - Steve Rodrigues resigned. A new Safety Director is needed.
Tech Officer – Chuck is upgrading the website extensively with HTML5 and other stuff and working on the servers.
GGNRA Liaison – The club has an annual review coming up. Steve reminds the members that we need to keep the place looking nice and not cause any problems. The broken windsock pole (strong winds) was recently replaced by Ward, and others who helped install it.
Rob’s clubhouse maintenance - Rob swept and attempted to paint the clubhouse floor as planned but couldn’t get the floor warm enough. The floor needs to be warm for the paint to dry. The exterior safety light was installed as planned and is operational. There is a lot of stuff in the clubhouse that has piled up again since the last cleaning where pickup truck loads of stuff was hauled away.
Westlake cam – The issue with Tom R and the cost of the webcam has been resolved. There is an additional $80 outstanding for the purchase cost of the webcam that the club is accepting donations to cover.
Competitions – Mark M is still brainstorming comp plans. The annual Air Races event is still on and he won’t mess with it. He suggests possibly a 2 day event, possibly taking over the park and charging admission. Members have doubts about whether that would be allowed. Mark said something about something that would cost $20,000-$25,000 and could be paid for by sponsors. Further discussion referred to committee composed of Mark M, Rob J, Steve R, and Zac M.
Windsocks – 2 windsocks have been ordered by Larry.
Tracey reminds the club to be considerate of paragliders and pedestrians. Buzzing paragliders and possibly unwilling pedestrians on the cliff will result in suspensions.
New Safety Director needed. Dave K nominated, accepted nomination. No other nominations. Voted in by majority.
Bylaw amendments. First of the required two consecutive votes for a bylaw change, subsequent to the required announcement on the website 10 days prior to the first vote. Votes conducted as below after varying amounts of discussion resulting in some modifications to the originally prepared changes.
Note that a couple of changes below are described incrementally due to overlapping changes. Where applicable the minutes refer to the change already proposed and voted in favor of when proposing a further change.
Article 8 Sec 3
Change “WEB” to “web”.
Passed by 2/3 vote.
Article 8 Sec 3
“A list of nominees is posted on the Clubhouse door and may be placed on the Club’s web site prior to the November meeting”
“A list of nominees is posted on the Club’s web site prior to the November meeting”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 8 Sec 3
change “November” to “December”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 6 Sec 1
“Any change in the usual date, time or location will be posted on the Clubhouse door prior to each meeting.”
“Any change in the usual date, time or location will be posted on the club web site prior to each meeting.”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 6 Sec 3
“The Annual Business Meeting of the Club is held during the month of December.”
“The Annual Board of Directors and Business Meeting of the Club is held during the month of December.”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 6 Sec 3
Change part B
“Presentation by the Treasurer of an annual financial summary including a review of the past year’s financial results. and a proposed budget for the new fiscal year, for approval by the members.”
“Presentation by the Treasurer of an annual financial summary including a review of the past year’s financial results.”
And change part C
“Election of Officers for the new fiscal year.”
“Election of Officers for the new year.”
Passed by 2/3 vote.
Article 5 Sec 2
Split up as is into additional sections 3, 4, and 5.
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 5 Sec 4
“By majority vote the Executive Committee may waive the 20-hour flying requirement to allow members who have made contributions to flying at Fort Funston to become voting members. The Executive Committee shall not waive the flying requirement for more than 3 members at any one time.”
“By majority vote the club members may waive the 20-hour flying requirement to allow members who have made contributions to flying at Fort Funston to become voting members. The Club may have three voting members who have not fulfilled the flying requirement. These members shall be selected by a majority vote of the Club members. The waivers shall be for the remainder of the calendar year. The Club members may grant waivers only when the number of waivers is not more than three.”
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 5 Sec 2
“Voting members shall be pilots who have flown hang gliders at Fort Funston for more than 20 hours in the calendar year preceding the year in which they are entitled to vote”
"To vote in a Club meeting, a pilot must have flown a hang glider for flights that originated at Fort Funston, for a total of 20 hours in the twelve months preceding the meeting."
Passed by 2/3 vote
Article 5
“Section 5: No member or Director may vote by proxy. In accordance with California Corporate Code 7610, each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. In accordance with California Corporate Code 7211, each Director shall have one vote on each matter presented to the board of directors for action.”
Passed by 2/3 vote, unanimous
Article 5 Sec 2
Change "20 hours” to “10 hours”.
And Article 5 Sec 4 - Change “20-hour” to “10-hour”
Passed by 2/3 vote. 20 in favor, 7 opposed.
End of bylaw votes.
Zac M suggested moving the yearly officer elections to November to allow for a December filled with more holiday cheer. General consensus was that elections usually consist of begging members to volunteer for office and aren’t contentious. No action taken.
Mark M suggested removing the second of two required votes for bylaw changes, a requirement that itself is in the bylaws and would require two votes to change. No general support. No action taken.
Tom R suggested 4 meetings per year instead of 12. No general support. No action taken.
Ranger Matt showed up as the meeting adjourned.
Minutes taken by Dave K in Tom W’s absence. Thanks, Dave.