December 6th 2018 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:27 pm
December 6th 2018 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes
Pilots in Attendance: Rob Johnson, Wayne Michelsen, John Simpson, Chris Valley, John Rinaldi, Mark Stelzer, Dave Kiesling, Chuck Kranz, Dan Freeman, Jessica Koerner, George Artz, Ron Barry, Paul Sussman, Tom White, Ken Martin, Randee Azzar, Brian Porter, Joey Villaflor, Armand Petersen, Scott Untiedt, Brad Martin, Mark Lilledahl, Chester Chen, Pat Denevan, Tom Carey, Dave Eggli, Walter Whiteside, Chris Carillo, Takeo, Ben Dunn, Zac Majors, Majo Majors, Soham Mehta, Saul Richard, Rick Hawkins, Steve Rodrigues (and Josiane).
Guests / New Members: No guests or new members.
Great Flights: No great flights to report.
President’s Report (Rob Johnson): Researched chip spreading.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): November meeting minutes posted.
Treasurer’s Report (Steve Rodrigues): Steve presented end of year budget that shows a $300 end of year cushion.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Nothing to report.
Safety Officer’s Report (John Simpson): Everyone has been safe.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Bunch of stuff broke and is now fixed.
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger not present - report by Steve Rodrigues): The FAA has modified all tandem exemptions to emphasize that two place hang gliding and paragliding flights are for the purpose of training, and not for sport or recreation (giving rides). Paragraph 3 of Exemption 4721 now reads: “Both occupants on all two-place training flights must possess a current pilot rating issued by the USHPA and at least one occupant must possess a current USHPA Tandem Instructor rating.”
Under this new exemption, a Tandem Instructor must be on board for all tandem flights, including flights done by T1 rated pilots. The USHPA is currently negotiating with the FAA to add language that would allow T1 pilots to fly with a non-instructor passenger if the T1 is in training to become a Tandem Instructor.
~ Training Bowl (John Simpson): Nothing to report.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): Special Use Permit being worked on and should be good for a year and a half. Fellow Feathers continues to have a healthy relationship with GGNRA and vice versa.
Old Business: Last month’s officer nominations were announced by CRV.
New Business: Officer nominations.
Brad Martin was nominated for Safety Officer by John Simpson, second by Rob Johnson. CRV nominated John Simpson for Clubhouse Officer, second by Rob Johnson. Ron Berry volunteered for Secretary, second by CRV.
There were no new names thrown in the hat for President, Vice President, Tech Officer, and Treasurer.
Officers for 2019 after majority vote of those present:
President: Rob Johnson
Vice President: John Rinaldi
Secretary: Ron Berry
Treasurer: Steve Rodrigues
Safety Officer: Brad Martin
Clubhouse Officer: John Simpson
Tech Officer: Chuck Kranz
Steve discussed the new controlled airspace layout that affects our flying, and the club will update pilot information soon.
Steve discussed new USHPA topics of interest.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Fly safe and thanks to all who showed up to support the Fellow Feathers!
Pilots in Attendance: Rob Johnson, Wayne Michelsen, John Simpson, Chris Valley, John Rinaldi, Mark Stelzer, Dave Kiesling, Chuck Kranz, Dan Freeman, Jessica Koerner, George Artz, Ron Barry, Paul Sussman, Tom White, Ken Martin, Randee Azzar, Brian Porter, Joey Villaflor, Armand Petersen, Scott Untiedt, Brad Martin, Mark Lilledahl, Chester Chen, Pat Denevan, Tom Carey, Dave Eggli, Walter Whiteside, Chris Carillo, Takeo, Ben Dunn, Zac Majors, Majo Majors, Soham Mehta, Saul Richard, Rick Hawkins, Steve Rodrigues (and Josiane).
Guests / New Members: No guests or new members.
Great Flights: No great flights to report.
President’s Report (Rob Johnson): Researched chip spreading.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): November meeting minutes posted.
Treasurer’s Report (Steve Rodrigues): Steve presented end of year budget that shows a $300 end of year cushion.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Nothing to report.
Safety Officer’s Report (John Simpson): Everyone has been safe.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Bunch of stuff broke and is now fixed.
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger not present - report by Steve Rodrigues): The FAA has modified all tandem exemptions to emphasize that two place hang gliding and paragliding flights are for the purpose of training, and not for sport or recreation (giving rides). Paragraph 3 of Exemption 4721 now reads: “Both occupants on all two-place training flights must possess a current pilot rating issued by the USHPA and at least one occupant must possess a current USHPA Tandem Instructor rating.”
Under this new exemption, a Tandem Instructor must be on board for all tandem flights, including flights done by T1 rated pilots. The USHPA is currently negotiating with the FAA to add language that would allow T1 pilots to fly with a non-instructor passenger if the T1 is in training to become a Tandem Instructor.
~ Training Bowl (John Simpson): Nothing to report.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): Special Use Permit being worked on and should be good for a year and a half. Fellow Feathers continues to have a healthy relationship with GGNRA and vice versa.
Old Business: Last month’s officer nominations were announced by CRV.
New Business: Officer nominations.
Brad Martin was nominated for Safety Officer by John Simpson, second by Rob Johnson. CRV nominated John Simpson for Clubhouse Officer, second by Rob Johnson. Ron Berry volunteered for Secretary, second by CRV.
There were no new names thrown in the hat for President, Vice President, Tech Officer, and Treasurer.
Officers for 2019 after majority vote of those present:
President: Rob Johnson
Vice President: John Rinaldi
Secretary: Ron Berry
Treasurer: Steve Rodrigues
Safety Officer: Brad Martin
Clubhouse Officer: John Simpson
Tech Officer: Chuck Kranz
Steve discussed the new controlled airspace layout that affects our flying, and the club will update pilot information soon.
Steve discussed new USHPA topics of interest.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Fly safe and thanks to all who showed up to support the Fellow Feathers!