February 2014 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes

February 2014 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Tom White, Steve Rodrigues, John Simpson, Emily Hutchinson, Jim Mueller, Duane Cromleigh, Tom Rust, Brad Martin, Ward Carter, Chuck Kranz, Larry Carpenter, Van Pelham, Ken Martin, Karl Almendinger, Janica Lee, George Artz, Tom Low, Dave Kiesling
VP Chaired meeting in absence of president.
VP reported stickers in lock box. Reported intention to issue sticker packs to several pilots: Larry, Urs, Tom W.
It was reported that there is a need for forms in the box.
Treasurer reported deposits made of $6300. 1 bounced check. PGE overpaid.
IT report from Chuck: recent power outage caused challenges, but that all were repaired.
Clubhouse mgr announced lock to be changed next week. Steve noted the need for a threshold to keep water out.
Liaison John S. reported meeting with new NPS representative.
Steve reported that the need for further wood chips clearing work will soon be necessary.
Steve reported that the SF School District would like a presentation on hang gliding. Also that the NPS is planning to rebuild the boardwalk and deck, vault toilets are to be installed, port potties eliminated, there will be an up coming fire marshall inspection of the clubhouse.
Possible signage for cones was discussed, motion to spend $35 on this was put forth, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to grant waiver to Steve, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to grant waiver to George, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to grant waiver to Chuck, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to stop debate regarding hours requirement rule put forth, seconded, passed.
Tom Low explained his proposal for bylaw amendment, motion to table vote seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to consult Dan Brown on language of amendment, seconded, passed.
Meeting adjourned.
In attendance:
Tom White, Steve Rodrigues, John Simpson, Emily Hutchinson, Jim Mueller, Duane Cromleigh, Tom Rust, Brad Martin, Ward Carter, Chuck Kranz, Larry Carpenter, Van Pelham, Ken Martin, Karl Almendinger, Janica Lee, George Artz, Tom Low, Dave Kiesling
VP Chaired meeting in absence of president.
VP reported stickers in lock box. Reported intention to issue sticker packs to several pilots: Larry, Urs, Tom W.
It was reported that there is a need for forms in the box.
Treasurer reported deposits made of $6300. 1 bounced check. PGE overpaid.
IT report from Chuck: recent power outage caused challenges, but that all were repaired.
Clubhouse mgr announced lock to be changed next week. Steve noted the need for a threshold to keep water out.
Liaison John S. reported meeting with new NPS representative.
Steve reported that the need for further wood chips clearing work will soon be necessary.
Steve reported that the SF School District would like a presentation on hang gliding. Also that the NPS is planning to rebuild the boardwalk and deck, vault toilets are to be installed, port potties eliminated, there will be an up coming fire marshall inspection of the clubhouse.
Possible signage for cones was discussed, motion to spend $35 on this was put forth, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to grant waiver to Steve, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to grant waiver to George, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to grant waiver to Chuck, seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to stop debate regarding hours requirement rule put forth, seconded, passed.
Tom Low explained his proposal for bylaw amendment, motion to table vote seconded, passed.
Motion put forth to consult Dan Brown on language of amendment, seconded, passed.
Meeting adjourned.