July 6th 2016 Fellow Feather's Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Lisa Lesser, John Simpson, Wayne Michelsen, Urs Kellenberger, George Artz, Chris Carrillo, Rob Johnson.
Guests / New Members: No new guests or new members.
Great Flights: A few pilots headed up to Lakeview and Herd Peak for some great flying a total awesomeness.
President’s Report (John Simpson): Nothing to report.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): Playing in Steamboat Springs, so Wayne took notes for this meeting.
Treasurer’s Report (Lisa Lesser): Bank balance is $11,500. The Club received an anonymous $500 donation. Thank you to that person.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Swept up inside the clubhouse. No more mice are present.
Safety Officer’s Report (Chris Carrillo): Some lessons learned in strong SW conditions. New pilots seem confused top landing as of late. It was proposed that the Club produce a safety video to help avoid future landing issues. A pilot suspended himself for a 25’ rule violation. Kudos to that pilot for taking responsibility for his actions.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Cameras are fixed. Can now remotely restart the ropes camera. Now saving $300 / month by not having the land line associated with the ropes camera.
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger): Commented on insurance issues with tandem pilots and passengers.
~ Training Bowl (Mark Lilledahl): Nothing to report.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): Playing in France. Nothing to report.
Old Business: No old business.
New Business: Lisa will take the lead on this year’s air race and BBQ event - will take place August 7th at 10AM.
Meeting adjourned by 9:00PM.