March 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Tracey Story
Raffy Lavin
Tom White
Christopher Carrillo
Armand Peterson
Chuck Kranz
Steve Rodrigues
Chris Ellis
Diev Hart
Steve Morris
George Artz
Chris Valley
Marginal Mark
David Kiesling
Tom Low
Patrick Pannese
Dan Pifko
Van Pelham
Charlie Nelson
Urs Kellenberger
Jeff Kember
John Simpson
Gwenhael Jacq
Brian Porter
Dirk Morris
Mark Mulholland's proposals at previous meetings for an enhanced Air Races were discussed. It was acknowledged that many of the ideas do not appear to be feasible.
Steve & Tracey spoke about GGNRA issues: Steve and Tracey met with Sara, our GGNRA Liaison, in Feb to discuss the club's annual review given by the GGNRA. The club was tasked by the GGNRA in 2012 to replace four signs near the set up area. Unfortunately, our club was written up in this annual review for not accomplishing anything in 2012 on the sign project after Tom Rust took over as our club's GGNRA Liaison.
Steve and Tracey, at Sara's request, gave Sara a tour of the clubhouse and set up area. Sara noticed that the sign that had been where the water fountain used to be, was no longer there. That too, was a serious concern for Sara and made completing the sign project imperative.
A motion was made to use funds from the long term roofing fund to get the 4 signs done ASAP - motion seconded, passed by large majority. One member voted against it.
Sara took multiple photos of the dugout and agreed to speak to GGNRA management to try to get it approved in the condition is was in during her visit but made it clear that the GGNRA would not consent to it becoming any larger.
Tracey reported that the $400 owed to the club by Tom Rust was covered by donations, and no longer outstanding.
A fundraising BBQ was suggested, potentially to be scheduled in May, Jeff Kember, Chris Ellis, and Rob Johnson agreed to organize it.
Nascar has contacted the club with a request to explore the possibility of a Hang Glider fly over at an upcoming Infineon Raceway event in June in Sonoma. Steve volunteered to look into the feasibility.
Tracey announced that Rick Cavallero requested attending the next Fellow Feathers mtg to discuss HG / PG issues.
Patrick relayed that his friend's Girl Scout troop has agreed to come to the Fort to meet some of the pilots and learn more about hang gliding in September.
Ranger Matt showed up at the meeting, reported on GGNRA's plan to build a low fence around part of the Ranger / native plants compound at the south east corner of Ft Funston to keep aggressive off leash dogs away from personnel. He also talked about upcoming dog walkers policies which will go into effect in the future. Matt stressed the importance of all park users to make it a priority to get along, to solve disputes in a civil manner, to respect and care for the park. These concepts were well received by all present.
Daniel Pifko and Tracey Story formally resigned the 20 hour rule waivers which had been issued by the club. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to grant Krista Jackson Taylor a waiver so that she can have a glider space in the clubhouse.
Tracey Story presented the bylaw changes which were also proposed, voted on, and passed at the February meeting. Printed copies of the changes were circulated to all present. This was the second of the required two consecutive votes for a bylaw change, subsequent to the required announcement of the proposals being listed on the club's website 10 days prior to the first vote and being e-mailed to all pilots with e-mail addresses in the club's database. During the February meeting, some modifications to the original proposals posted on the club's website prior to February's meeting were made. Those modified proposals approved in February's meeting were presented in this (March's) meeting and are listed below. All of the amendments were passed by greater than the required two thirds majority vote. Note that a couple of changes below are described incrementally due to overlapping changes.
Article 8 Sec 3
“WEB” to “web”.
Article 8 Sec 3
“A list of nominees is posted on the Clubhouse door and may be placed
on the Club’s web site prior to the November meeting”
“A list of nominees is posted on the Club’s web site prior to the
November meeting”
Article 8 Sec 3
“November” to “December”
Article 6 Sec 1
“Any change in the usual date, time or location will be posted on the
Clubhouse door prior to each meeting.”
“Any change in the usual date, time or location will be posted on the
club web site prior to each meeting.”
Article 6 Sec 3
“The Annual Business Meeting of the Club is held during the month of December.”
“The Annual Board of Directors and Business Meeting of the Club is
held during the month of December.”
Article 6 Sec 3
Change part B
“Presentation by the Treasurer of an annual financial summary
including a review of the past year’s financial results. and a
proposed budget for the new fiscal year, for approval by the members.”
“Presentation by the Treasurer of an annual financial summary
including a review of the past year’s financial results.”
And change part C
“Election of Officers for the new fiscal year.”
“Election of Officers for the new year.”
Article 5 Sec 2
Split up as is into additional sections 3, 4, and 5.
Article 5 Sec 4
“By majority vote the Executive Committee may waive the 20-hour flying
requirement to allow members who have made contributions to flying at
Fort Funston to become voting members. The Executive Committee shall
not waive the flying requirement for more than 3 members at any one
“By majority vote the club members may waive the 20-hour flying
requirement to allow members who have made contributions to flying at
Fort Funston to become voting members. The Club may have three voting
members who have not fulfilled the flying requirement. These members
shall be selected by a majority vote of the Club members. The waivers
shall be for the remainder of the calendar year. The Club members may
grant waivers only when the number of waivers is not more than three.”
Article 5 Sec 2
“Voting members shall be pilots who have flown hang gliders at Fort
Funston for more than 20 hours in the calendar year preceding the year
in which they are entitled to vote”
"To vote in a Club meeting, a pilot must have flown a hang glider for
flights that originated at Fort Funston, for a total of 20 hours in
the twelve months preceding the meeting."
Article 5
“Section 5: No member or Director may vote by proxy. In accordance
with California Corporate Code 7610, each member shall be entitled to
one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. In
accordance with California Corporate Code 7211, each Director shall
have one vote on each matter presented to the board of directors for
Article 5 Sec 2
Change "20 hours” to “10 hours”.
And Article 5 Sec 4 - Change “20-hour” to “10-hour”
End of bylaw votes.
Meeting adjourned.