In attendance:
Tom White, David Kiesling, Kurt Schmitz,
Ward Carter, Emily Hutchinson, Larry Carpenter,
Rafy Lavin, Patrick Pannese, Tracey Storey,
Tom Jensen, Rick Hawkins, Kevan Eddy, George Artz
Safety Officer brought up that pilots need to display their stickers. USHPA memberships must also remain up to date.
A motion was made to vote on Allen Justh becoming a H2 sponsor. The motion was not seconded.
The new sticker box will be emptied tomorrow. Steve will make a key copies so a couple others will have a key to the box as well.
Two recent landings by new H3s prompted a lengthy discussion about safety concerns. Suspensions were requested for both pilots by the majority of pilots at the meeting. Tom White suggested creating a new rule banning H3s from landing forward of the sand trail in the chips. It was agreed that the proposed new rule would be discussed further at another meeting. The board members present agreed to hold hearings for both H3s.
Replacing one of the cameras for the web cam discussed. There is a spare and hopefully it will be swapped out soon.
A freeze has been placed on chips delivery. Discussing chips placement with the GGNRA this week.
Tracey requested an additional volunteer to time the racers at the 8/17 Air Races.
Tracey mentioned that filming for the fundraiser for Eric Mies and his family is tomorrow - looking for a plumber to help with the Habitat for Humanity home modifications so Eric can return home.
Meeting adjourned.