July 2015 Meeting Minutes

July 2015 Fellow Feathers Meeting
In attendance:
Ken Martin, Tom White, Tom Low, Krista Taylor, Bill Ayers, David Kiesling, Karl Allmendinger, Rob Johnson, Rick Hawkins, Wayne Michelsen, Chris Carillo, Charlie Nelson, Steve Rodrigues, Chris Ellis, Natalie Ellis, Martin Palmaz, Urs Kellenberger, Nuno Fontes, Paul Sussman, Andy Whitehill.
Ken opened the meeting with a synopsis of ongoing talks with PG community representatives, and mentioned the question of this year’s Funston Air Races.
A hearty thanks was extended to Rob Johnson for the great job he did cleaning and painting the clubhouse floor. Rob has worked hard on maintenance of our flying site for years, many pilots speak of possible improvements, Rob rolls up his sleeves and gets things done! Thanks Rob!!
Tech officer reported on continued improvements / repairs to the website. Some discussion proceeded regarding future website improvements, or possible entire re-construction. Martin Palmaz Executive director of USHPA was present; he was queried on the possibility of a master framework for websites being developed by USHPA and made available to chapters. Martin indicated that the concept would be considered.
Secretary reported on issuing a 7 day suspension to a pilot for violation of the 25’ rule the previous Sunday.
Treasurer reported that there are now 2 empty spaces in the clubhouse, and that some non paying space holders have failed to respond to repeated requests for payment of back dues, and need to have their gliders moved to purgatory and auctioned as per rules. Also reported that the club’s finances are currently $500 under budget.
Tandem administrator reported on being present and witnessing the 25” rule violation previous Sunday.
Safety officer reported on a crash of a hang glider at Westlake.
Paul Sussman reported on having spoken with the carpenter re-building the observation deck regarding the possible rebuilding of the lower seating area. Paul would like to recommend that folks leave comments on the GGNRA website in favor of the seating to be re-built.
Dave Kiesling commented on the continuing deterioration of the wood chips in the set up area, and the large amount of dust being generated, which is making sails dirty, etc. Discussion proceeded regarding possible seeding of native grasses, or other anchoring vegetation. Ken agreed to contact the GGNRA representative for advise.
Ken brought up the question of this year’s air races; queried the membership to see if there exists a will to hold the races / BBQ. Enthusiasm was displayed by those on attendance, and the following pilots volunteered to help put the event together and run it. Urs Kellenberger, Tom White, Karl Allmendinger, Wayne Michelsen, Rob Johnson, Dave Kiesling, Charlie Nelson, Paul Sussman.
Ken reported on talks that he and Steve have had with P.G. representatives and efforts toward development of guidelines for cooperation between HG and PG communities. Ken and Steve presented to the membership a set of 6 proposals for creation of rules, or guidelines, to be voted on by Fellow Feathers, as well as BAPA membership, to govern the standards of interaction between the two flight disciplines present on the coastal area from Funston in the north, to Pacifica in the south.
The six proposed rules were voted upon by the membership present, and all were passed.
Meeting adjourned.
In attendance:
Ken Martin, Tom White, Tom Low, Krista Taylor, Bill Ayers, David Kiesling, Karl Allmendinger, Rob Johnson, Rick Hawkins, Wayne Michelsen, Chris Carillo, Charlie Nelson, Steve Rodrigues, Chris Ellis, Natalie Ellis, Martin Palmaz, Urs Kellenberger, Nuno Fontes, Paul Sussman, Andy Whitehill.
Ken opened the meeting with a synopsis of ongoing talks with PG community representatives, and mentioned the question of this year’s Funston Air Races.
A hearty thanks was extended to Rob Johnson for the great job he did cleaning and painting the clubhouse floor. Rob has worked hard on maintenance of our flying site for years, many pilots speak of possible improvements, Rob rolls up his sleeves and gets things done! Thanks Rob!!
Tech officer reported on continued improvements / repairs to the website. Some discussion proceeded regarding future website improvements, or possible entire re-construction. Martin Palmaz Executive director of USHPA was present; he was queried on the possibility of a master framework for websites being developed by USHPA and made available to chapters. Martin indicated that the concept would be considered.
Secretary reported on issuing a 7 day suspension to a pilot for violation of the 25’ rule the previous Sunday.
Treasurer reported that there are now 2 empty spaces in the clubhouse, and that some non paying space holders have failed to respond to repeated requests for payment of back dues, and need to have their gliders moved to purgatory and auctioned as per rules. Also reported that the club’s finances are currently $500 under budget.
Tandem administrator reported on being present and witnessing the 25” rule violation previous Sunday.
Safety officer reported on a crash of a hang glider at Westlake.
Paul Sussman reported on having spoken with the carpenter re-building the observation deck regarding the possible rebuilding of the lower seating area. Paul would like to recommend that folks leave comments on the GGNRA website in favor of the seating to be re-built.
Dave Kiesling commented on the continuing deterioration of the wood chips in the set up area, and the large amount of dust being generated, which is making sails dirty, etc. Discussion proceeded regarding possible seeding of native grasses, or other anchoring vegetation. Ken agreed to contact the GGNRA representative for advise.
Ken brought up the question of this year’s air races; queried the membership to see if there exists a will to hold the races / BBQ. Enthusiasm was displayed by those on attendance, and the following pilots volunteered to help put the event together and run it. Urs Kellenberger, Tom White, Karl Allmendinger, Wayne Michelsen, Rob Johnson, Dave Kiesling, Charlie Nelson, Paul Sussman.
Ken reported on talks that he and Steve have had with P.G. representatives and efforts toward development of guidelines for cooperation between HG and PG communities. Ken and Steve presented to the membership a set of 6 proposals for creation of rules, or guidelines, to be voted on by Fellow Feathers, as well as BAPA membership, to govern the standards of interaction between the two flight disciplines present on the coastal area from Funston in the north, to Pacifica in the south.
The six proposed rules were voted upon by the membership present, and all were passed.
Meeting adjourned.