November 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes

November 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting
In attendance:
David Kiesling, Rob Johnson, Duane Cromleigh, Rick Hawkins, Kathy Org, Raffy Lavin, Chuck Kranz, Chris Carrillo, Emily Hutchinson, Steve Morris, Zac Majors, Chris Ellis, Wyatt John, Mike Soultanian, George Artz, Brian Porter, Darrel Robbins, Van Pelham, Tim West, Tracey Story, Tom Rust, Jay Granzella
Our VP reported that 2014 stickers are available.
Our Tech Officer reported that he’s been working on technology issues.
Our Safety Officer reported that four 1 week suspensions were issued since October’s club meeting: Two were for a H2 soaring. The H2 may also have launched in winds significantly higher than the 15 mph our rules allow. Both the H2 and his sponsor were suspended. The other 1 week suspensions were for two pilots who launched while non-pilot spectators were in the launch area.
The rule that restricts us from launching when there are spectators in the launch area was discussed. Suggestions were made as to how we can help ensure that the rule is followed. All pilots on the ground are asked to watch for spectators in the launch area when a pilot wants to launch and to assist in making sure the area is free of spectators before a pilot launches. Additionally, when we chat with spectators regarding our not being able to launch if they are in our launch area, we must do so in a courteous manner.
Steve R. and Zac reported on the discussions that ensued at the 11/6/13 BAPA meeting regarding PGs and HGs soaring north of the stable’s launch. 7 Fellow Feathers HG pilots attended that meeting. BAPA’s members were friendly and courteous and a detailed discussion of flying etiquette for both HGs and PGs ensued which included the following:
Fellow Feathers pilots requested that while we don’t own airspace, we ask for safety reasons that BAPA’s members support our request that they not fly north of the stable’s launch. BAPA pilots in turn requested that HG pilots treat them with courtesy as well, which includes not intentionally waking them or flying close to them on their launches at the dumps. It was requested/discussed that HG pilots only fly in front of the dump launches if they need to in order to scratch back from Pacifica.
Also discussed though, was that HG pilots launching and landing at the dumps may increase so their proximity may be closer on take offs and landings.
Some BAPA members said they will ask other PG pilots who fly from the dumps, to honor the mutual courtesy agreement between our clubs.
A discussion ensued that it would be beneficial for both clubs to post the request for mutual courtesy on our club’s respective websites.
Having our two clubs get together for events such as BBQs or holiday events was discussed and widely supported.
Appreciation for BAPA’s support of mutual courtesy/etiquette was expressed. It was noted that they do not have an obligation to do so.
Tracey reported on a call she’d had with the GGNRA a couple of weeks prior in which our GGNRA Business Office Liaison mentioned that if the Occupy Fort Funston event had happened that a pilot was initially trying to gather support for, the GGNRA would have revoked our SUP over it. Fortunately once that pilot was made aware of the possible ramifications to our club he discontinued plans for the event.
Tracey brought up that it might be best for our club to have the next few monthly club meetings offsite to reduce our burden on the GGNRA. A discussion ensued. A show of hands indicated overwhelming support for holding our next few meetings off site. The Moose Lodge has been reserved for our monthly meetings through March 2014.
Nominations were put forth for December executive committee election which included:
President - Tracey Story, Rob Johnson, Tim West, Zac Majors. Rob declined the nomination.
Vice President - Rob Johnson, Tom Rust.
Secretary - Tom White, Chris Carrillo
Treasurer - Van Pelham.
Safety Officer - David Kiesling. Dave replied that he wasn’t sure yet if he’d accept the nomination.
Tech Officer - Chuck Kranz
A hat was passed to cover the donation to the Moose Lodge for allowing us to use their facility for this meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
In attendance:
David Kiesling, Rob Johnson, Duane Cromleigh, Rick Hawkins, Kathy Org, Raffy Lavin, Chuck Kranz, Chris Carrillo, Emily Hutchinson, Steve Morris, Zac Majors, Chris Ellis, Wyatt John, Mike Soultanian, George Artz, Brian Porter, Darrel Robbins, Van Pelham, Tim West, Tracey Story, Tom Rust, Jay Granzella
Our VP reported that 2014 stickers are available.
Our Tech Officer reported that he’s been working on technology issues.
Our Safety Officer reported that four 1 week suspensions were issued since October’s club meeting: Two were for a H2 soaring. The H2 may also have launched in winds significantly higher than the 15 mph our rules allow. Both the H2 and his sponsor were suspended. The other 1 week suspensions were for two pilots who launched while non-pilot spectators were in the launch area.
The rule that restricts us from launching when there are spectators in the launch area was discussed. Suggestions were made as to how we can help ensure that the rule is followed. All pilots on the ground are asked to watch for spectators in the launch area when a pilot wants to launch and to assist in making sure the area is free of spectators before a pilot launches. Additionally, when we chat with spectators regarding our not being able to launch if they are in our launch area, we must do so in a courteous manner.
Steve R. and Zac reported on the discussions that ensued at the 11/6/13 BAPA meeting regarding PGs and HGs soaring north of the stable’s launch. 7 Fellow Feathers HG pilots attended that meeting. BAPA’s members were friendly and courteous and a detailed discussion of flying etiquette for both HGs and PGs ensued which included the following:
Fellow Feathers pilots requested that while we don’t own airspace, we ask for safety reasons that BAPA’s members support our request that they not fly north of the stable’s launch. BAPA pilots in turn requested that HG pilots treat them with courtesy as well, which includes not intentionally waking them or flying close to them on their launches at the dumps. It was requested/discussed that HG pilots only fly in front of the dump launches if they need to in order to scratch back from Pacifica.
Also discussed though, was that HG pilots launching and landing at the dumps may increase so their proximity may be closer on take offs and landings.
Some BAPA members said they will ask other PG pilots who fly from the dumps, to honor the mutual courtesy agreement between our clubs.
A discussion ensued that it would be beneficial for both clubs to post the request for mutual courtesy on our club’s respective websites.
Having our two clubs get together for events such as BBQs or holiday events was discussed and widely supported.
Appreciation for BAPA’s support of mutual courtesy/etiquette was expressed. It was noted that they do not have an obligation to do so.
Tracey reported on a call she’d had with the GGNRA a couple of weeks prior in which our GGNRA Business Office Liaison mentioned that if the Occupy Fort Funston event had happened that a pilot was initially trying to gather support for, the GGNRA would have revoked our SUP over it. Fortunately once that pilot was made aware of the possible ramifications to our club he discontinued plans for the event.
Tracey brought up that it might be best for our club to have the next few monthly club meetings offsite to reduce our burden on the GGNRA. A discussion ensued. A show of hands indicated overwhelming support for holding our next few meetings off site. The Moose Lodge has been reserved for our monthly meetings through March 2014.
Nominations were put forth for December executive committee election which included:
President - Tracey Story, Rob Johnson, Tim West, Zac Majors. Rob declined the nomination.
Vice President - Rob Johnson, Tom Rust.
Secretary - Tom White, Chris Carrillo
Treasurer - Van Pelham.
Safety Officer - David Kiesling. Dave replied that he wasn’t sure yet if he’d accept the nomination.
Tech Officer - Chuck Kranz
A hat was passed to cover the donation to the Moose Lodge for allowing us to use their facility for this meeting.
Meeting adjourned.