Minutes 10/10/06

Minutes and Treasurer Reports from the Fellow Feathers monthly meetings.

Minutes 10/10/06

Postby Daniel Pifko » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:24 pm

Fellow Feathers
October 10, 2006


Tom White
Raffy Lavin
Chris Valley
Larry Carpenter
Attila Plasch
Dan Rogers
Patrick (Dow?)
Brian Foster
Steve Rodrigues
Daniel Pifko
Ted Lipke

Treas Report

Current balance: $3070.00. This is several hundred dollars lower than last year.

Old Business:

    Auction went well. Raised about $100 for the club. We sold a few gliders and recycled the aluminum for the rest. Nearly all of the gliders are now out of purgatory.

    • Check out http://flyfunston.org/newwebcam/ - it’s online now and kicks ass
    • We have sold 3 of the 4 advertising spots. Looking for a fourth
    • We need to put a hanging dog on the webcam ;-)
    • Now that we have a computer and a network connection, we could put in a new wind meter at the clubhouse. It would cost $600. We should do this in the coming year.

Chips & Launch
    • Steve got in touch with Sean, who used to work for the Parks department and takes pride in the quality of chips. He’ll only bring good chips but won’t bring any right now.
    • Gustav brings garbage. We asked him not to bring any more.
    • There may be a third guy, but we don’t know who it is.
    • We don’t have permission to fill in any more beach. The rangers could cite them for dumping.
    • The Launch is SWEEEET. Tom did a touch and go.
    • We don’t need cones any more.

Warning Sign:
• Steve: forwarded signage graphics to Julie English. She is going to do something with it.

Funds for Rick
• $300 for Rick for current webcam – phone line, Windows XP, ++
• Moved, seconded and passed. (check sent to Rick)

Safety Corner
• Pilot X had a VERY questionable landing in that he landed close to 5 pedestrians. At least two pilots figured he had landed within 25 feet of the pedestrians. We respect Pilot X as a long time flyer and think he’s a legend, but it’s important that even the older pilots don’t hit pedestrians. Tom W. spoke nicely to him indicating that he shouldn’t land closely to people, though X took it the wrong way and was gruff to Tom, including badmouthing Tom to others after the fact. Not really called for when we’re only thinking about safety here.
• Let’s add a front page to the sticker package telling people not go within 25 feet of pedestrians.
• Beware of potential collisions at launch between people coming south along the cliff low and people overshooting launch. What are the rules of right of way here? Point to be discussed in the future.

• Excellent BBQ by Raffy; great recycling effort by CRValley

Webcam kudos:
• Daniel Pifko, for driving the process

Clubhouse Pilots
• We should consider changing e the rules to only allow more frequent fliers into the clubhouse
• Rules changed as defined in “clubhousemembership active pilots rev 10 10 06.doc” (http://flyfunston.org/documents/clubhou ... _10_06.doc )
• Moved, seconded and passed.

• Brian conceded that he needs help
• Current plan is to proceed with 501(c)(7) status
• Will cost us $300 for the application
• Brian states that we’ll have to file tax returns every year. DP: is this true?
• Liability protection
o Could we not have as much protection if we are not following our own procedures
• Next steps
o Need Articles of Incorporation – Brian to send out
o Brian to put together a list of the timing, documents required, costs to get from here to incorporation and approval as a 501(c)(7)
o Brian to create a list of the annual reporting requirements
o Brian to make a list of the financial requirements. We are probably not over any limits

New Business

• Planning for next year
o Clubhouse renewals
 Chris would like to get this out the first few weeks of November
 Chris would like to change the lock end of February
o Stickers
 Steve to bring a bunch next meeting
 2006 waivers and unused stickers should come back in
 Make 2008 stickers smaller
• Gliders in purgatory
o Can sell the Moyes to Brad Martin
o Dawn Air – Brad Martin’s
o Phoenix 6D – showed up here. Chris might know whose it is.
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Daniel Pifko
Site Admin
Posts: 249
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:23 pm

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