March 2nd 2016 Fellow Feather’s Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: John Simpson, Wayne Michelsen, Lisa Lesser, Chuck Kranz, David Kiesling, Steve Rodriques, Brian Porter, Randee Linn Azzar, Chris Valley, and Van Pelham
Guests / New Members: No guests or new members.
Great Flights: Lots of good flights at other sites like Diablo and McClure. Dave Kiesling caught a shear that brought him back over the lake with 20+ NE winds aloft and zero wind in the LZ when he landed. Joey made a great video of a few pilots flying at the Fort. Great picture of Wayne on SFGate.
President’s Report (John Simpson): John mentioned the letter received by Park Partner Liaison, James Sword, and items we need to work on to achieve a 5-year Special Use Permit term.
Vice President’s Report (Wayne Michelsen): Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report (Chris Valley): February meeting minutes posted.
Treasurer’s Report (Lisa Lesser): Noting to report.
Clubhouse Officer’s Report (Rob Johnson): Nothing to report.
Safety Officer’s Report (Chris Carrillo): Nothing to report.
Tech Officer’s Report (Chuck Kranz): Chuck has been working hard at upgrading our gear and getting rid of bugs and bots.
Administrator Reports:
~ Tandem (Urs Kellenberger): Nothing to report.
~ Training Bowl (Mark Lilledahl): Nothing to report.
GGNRA Liaison Report (Steve Rodrigues): Steve discussed the issues that led to our Special Use Permit terms and history behind the 5-year term being reduced to 1-year. Steve discussed recent correspondence with GGNRA liaison James Sword to our Club President spelling out expectations of GGNRA with Fellow Feathers. Steve also discussed GGNRA recent leash law regulation considerations.
Old Business: No old business to report.
New Business: No new business to report.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM...