May 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes

In attendance:
Rob Johnson
Patrick Pannese
Tracey Storey
Chris Carrillo
Ward Carter
Chuck Kranz
Emily Hutchinson
Diev Hart
David Kiesling
Charlie Nelson
Tom White
Discussion of granting spot in clubhouse to new H3 Chris Carrillo, spot granted.
Chuck reported upgrades / rebuilds of wind talker, etc have gone well, awaiting transfer of phone account to club.
Adding Eric Hienricks to the H2 sponsor list was discussed, Motion put forth to add him, seconded, voted on 5 for, 1 against. Motion passed.
Rule change was proposed to allow for club wide vote regarding H2 sponsors as follows:
"All H-2 flights shall be supervised by a Sponsor approved by a majority of the Club members."
Motion was made, seconded, and passed. 8 for, 0 against.
An HG pilot taking off from the stables launch was discussed. Charlie Nelson volunteered to survey that launch. It was decided to discuss the issue at another meeting pending further research.
Spot landing contest was suggested for June 15.
Moving Air races to July was discussed, as well as combining with Dan Murphy memorial BBQ.
Fellow Feathers fundraising activities for injured pilots / families was discussed.
Safety observation pit maintenance was discussed.
Meeting adjourned.
Rob Johnson
Patrick Pannese
Tracey Storey
Chris Carrillo
Ward Carter
Chuck Kranz
Emily Hutchinson
Diev Hart
David Kiesling
Charlie Nelson
Tom White
Discussion of granting spot in clubhouse to new H3 Chris Carrillo, spot granted.
Chuck reported upgrades / rebuilds of wind talker, etc have gone well, awaiting transfer of phone account to club.
Adding Eric Hienricks to the H2 sponsor list was discussed, Motion put forth to add him, seconded, voted on 5 for, 1 against. Motion passed.
Rule change was proposed to allow for club wide vote regarding H2 sponsors as follows:
"All H-2 flights shall be supervised by a Sponsor approved by a majority of the Club members."
Motion was made, seconded, and passed. 8 for, 0 against.
An HG pilot taking off from the stables launch was discussed. Charlie Nelson volunteered to survey that launch. It was decided to discuss the issue at another meeting pending further research.
Spot landing contest was suggested for June 15.
Moving Air races to July was discussed, as well as combining with Dan Murphy memorial BBQ.
Fellow Feathers fundraising activities for injured pilots / families was discussed.
Safety observation pit maintenance was discussed.
Meeting adjourned.