October 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes

October 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Tom White, Rob Johnson, Tracey Story, David Kiesling, Rich Haas, Paul Didas, Karl Almendinger, Urs Kellenberger, Daniel Pifko, Jay Granzella, Rafael Lavin, Darrel Robbins, Mark Lilledahl, Gene Foley, Pat Denevan, Steve Rodrigues, Mitch Shipley, Patrick Pannese, Brian Porter, Steve Morris, Zach Hazen, Larry Carpenter, Chuck Kranz, Tim West, David Royer, Ben Reese, Thomas Low, George Artz, Chris Valley, John Tayler, Zac Majors, Chet Gallaway, Wayne Michelsen, Charlie Nelson, Diev Hart, Dave Crafts, Krista Taylor, Eric Hinrichs, Carmela Moreno, Emily Hutchinson, Janica Lee, Tom Rust, Chestor Brown, Ken Martin, Enzo Fatica, John Simpson, Mark Zeleznock, Chris Ellis, Brad Martin, Rick Hawkins, Dave C., Ben F.
Tracey read a list of issues that the GGNRA has had with our club this year. It was made clear that we must do all we can to deal with the issues, and to keep from adding to the list.
Tracey introduced Rich Hass, President of USHPA, whom she had invited to come speak at our meeting.
Rich addressed the members, stated that USHPA is investigating complaints of pilot behavior at Funston that violates USHPA's policies and bylaws, and will be holding a hearing regarding the individuals at this month's USHPA board meeting. Rich answered questions from attendees.
Rich introduced Mitch Shipley, who was appointed by USHPA to investigate the complaints. Mitch explained the investigation, and answered questions from attendees.
Ben Reese gave an account of incidents that preceded the damage to his vehicle's tire a few weeks ago. He stated that the person who damaged the tire had paid for the damage, and apologized so he had dropped the charges. He also spoke about the actions he took after the tire incident.
Tracey informed the members that the club's leadership already had specific plans in place to address the behavioral issues within the club before a pilot who was well informed of those plans decided to take matters into his own hands anyway, circumventing club leadership. While club leadership has similar goals as this pilot, the methods he employed to accomplish them put our site at great risk.
Tracey spoke of the need to end the flow of drama/problematic behavior and to modify our rules so the board can manage pilot behavior on the ground at Funston or at club events, and that club leadership is recommending a zero tolerance position for behavioral issues to save the site.
Dave Kiesling read proposed rule changes & additions. A discussion proceeded. A motion was made to add the changes & additions to the rules, seconded, voted. Passed by large majority.
Nominations were put forth for Vice President to replace Patrick for remainder of the year. Nominated were Brad Martin, Tim West, and Rob Johnson. Brad received 6 votes, Tim 8, Rob 19. Rob was elected.
Chuck Kranz spoke of re-creating earlier times at Funston. Times when he felt there was more harmony.
Carmella passed a hat around to the members to reimburse Tracey for her slit tires.
Steve Rodrigues made a motion to keep the Fellow Feathers bulletin board public. Motion seconded, passed.
Meeting adjourned.
In attendance:
Tom White, Rob Johnson, Tracey Story, David Kiesling, Rich Haas, Paul Didas, Karl Almendinger, Urs Kellenberger, Daniel Pifko, Jay Granzella, Rafael Lavin, Darrel Robbins, Mark Lilledahl, Gene Foley, Pat Denevan, Steve Rodrigues, Mitch Shipley, Patrick Pannese, Brian Porter, Steve Morris, Zach Hazen, Larry Carpenter, Chuck Kranz, Tim West, David Royer, Ben Reese, Thomas Low, George Artz, Chris Valley, John Tayler, Zac Majors, Chet Gallaway, Wayne Michelsen, Charlie Nelson, Diev Hart, Dave Crafts, Krista Taylor, Eric Hinrichs, Carmela Moreno, Emily Hutchinson, Janica Lee, Tom Rust, Chestor Brown, Ken Martin, Enzo Fatica, John Simpson, Mark Zeleznock, Chris Ellis, Brad Martin, Rick Hawkins, Dave C., Ben F.
Tracey read a list of issues that the GGNRA has had with our club this year. It was made clear that we must do all we can to deal with the issues, and to keep from adding to the list.
Tracey introduced Rich Hass, President of USHPA, whom she had invited to come speak at our meeting.
Rich addressed the members, stated that USHPA is investigating complaints of pilot behavior at Funston that violates USHPA's policies and bylaws, and will be holding a hearing regarding the individuals at this month's USHPA board meeting. Rich answered questions from attendees.
Rich introduced Mitch Shipley, who was appointed by USHPA to investigate the complaints. Mitch explained the investigation, and answered questions from attendees.
Ben Reese gave an account of incidents that preceded the damage to his vehicle's tire a few weeks ago. He stated that the person who damaged the tire had paid for the damage, and apologized so he had dropped the charges. He also spoke about the actions he took after the tire incident.
Tracey informed the members that the club's leadership already had specific plans in place to address the behavioral issues within the club before a pilot who was well informed of those plans decided to take matters into his own hands anyway, circumventing club leadership. While club leadership has similar goals as this pilot, the methods he employed to accomplish them put our site at great risk.
Tracey spoke of the need to end the flow of drama/problematic behavior and to modify our rules so the board can manage pilot behavior on the ground at Funston or at club events, and that club leadership is recommending a zero tolerance position for behavioral issues to save the site.
Dave Kiesling read proposed rule changes & additions. A discussion proceeded. A motion was made to add the changes & additions to the rules, seconded, voted. Passed by large majority.
Nominations were put forth for Vice President to replace Patrick for remainder of the year. Nominated were Brad Martin, Tim West, and Rob Johnson. Brad received 6 votes, Tim 8, Rob 19. Rob was elected.
Chuck Kranz spoke of re-creating earlier times at Funston. Times when he felt there was more harmony.
Carmella passed a hat around to the members to reimburse Tracey for her slit tires.
Steve Rodrigues made a motion to keep the Fellow Feathers bulletin board public. Motion seconded, passed.
Meeting adjourned.