Present: Daniel Myz, Raffy Lav, Walter Whtsd, Van Pellm, Scott Prc, Steve Rodrgz, Tracey Stry, Allen Jsth, Eric Mies, David Ryr, Charlie Nlsn, Tom Wht.
Pizza was consumed.
Steve reported we are up to date with corporate / IRS issues. Clubhouse insurance in place.
2010 election of club officers discussed. Nominations put forward as follows;
President - Allen Justh, voted in.
Vice Pres - Eric Mies, voted in.
Treasurer - Van Pellam, voted in.
Tech - Dan Mzrki, voted in.
Secrtry - Tom White, voted in.
Clubhse Mgr - Charlie Nelsn, voted in.
Safety Ofcr - Raffy Lavin, voted in.
These officers shall also concur the responsibility of Board of Directors of the Fellow Feathers Hang Gliding Club Inc.
Walter brought up a rules issue for discussion, re: rules #4, and # 13.
After discussion, rule 13 was eliminated by a vote of 11 for, 1 opposed.
Rule #13 was ammended to redefine launch window, and wording added to limit speed in window. 10 voted for change, 2 opposed.
Treasurer reported fiscal health, we started with $6479, ended with $7447.
Relocation of drinking fountain was discussed, as well as reloction of beach trail.
Meeting adjourned.