April 2015 Meeting Minutes Fellow Feathers
Mark Lilledal, Chris Ellis, Chris Carillo, Rob Johnson, Kathy Ong, Raphael Lavin, Tom Rust, Joe Villaflor, Wayne Michelson, David Kiesling, Charlie Nelson, George Artz, Urs Kellenberger, Ken Martin, Tom White
President Ken Martin reported ongoing talks with BAPA personnel regarding cooperative management of flight operations on the coast of hang gliding and para gliding.
Vice president Rob Johnson reported on the club house clean up Saturday 4/11. A great turnout, lots of work done, ice plant and blown sand cleared from sidewalk along side of club house, floors swept and mopped, lots of junk cleared from club house, front door drain cleaned out, etc. Thanks to all who attended and worked hard. And special thanks to Rob for putting the event together, and buying all of the refreshments out of his pocket. Thanks Rob!!
Secretary Tom White commented on a large number of sticker forms collected with no donation. Tom believes that issuing officers might do better encouraging new pilots to donate, our operating budget is not decreasing. Also, issuing pilots are reminded to fill in their name and sticker # on form.
Club house manager George Artz reported that there are 2 glider spaces open.
Safety officer Chris Carillo reported an incident regarding a tandem pilot in which the 25’ rule was violated. Chris issued a 7 day suspension, recommended an executive committee hearing to potentially issue a longer suspension. Proposal to suspend tandem flights on weekends until observation deck rebuild is completed was discussed. Also suggestion was made to increase 25” distance rule for tandem flights, also possibly banning tandem landings on chips. Resolved to discuss further ay next meeting.
Ken talked about the need to get pilots to apply for stickers on line or by mail, and reducing number of pilots showing up at the Fort needing a sticker, with all of the associated problems.
Meeting adjourned.