Tom White, Randee Azzar, David Kiesling, Chris Carrillo, Chris Ellis, Natalie Reiips, Tom Rust, Van Pelham, Emily Johnson, Larry Carpenter, George Artz, Steve Rodrigues, Urs Kellenberger, Rob Johnson, Paul Sussman, Jim Mueller
Rob Johnson chaired the meeting in Ken Martin’s absence. Clubhouse work party on Saturday 11/07 3 pilots showed up. Painting and caulking of building was completed.
Suggestions for list of things to tell new pilots: Clear Turns, 25’ Rule, TCA Ceilings, Plan Landing Prior to Initiation.
Steve reported use permit in the works, non profit status forms filed. Bank balance $15,563.
2nd vote was taken regarding rule change to allow for up to 2 weeks suspension, tallied 7 for, 6 against. Motion failed without 2/3 majority of members present.
Nominations were put forward for 2016 officers:
Chris Carrillo Safety Officer, Tom White Secretary.
Meeting adjourned.