April 2013 Fellow Feathers Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Kurt S
Tracey S
Emily H
Raffy L
Tom R
Patrick P
Chuck K
Charlie N
Rick C
Steve M
Chris E
John S
Janica L
Brian P
Ward C
Van P
Steve R
Larry C
Tim W
Dave K
Armand P
Rob J
Diev H
Dwayne C
Chris C arillo
Ted L
Clubhouse Mgr brought meeting to order in anticipation of President (and pizza) arriving shortly.
Treasurer's Report - Finances are ok
Clubhouse Mgr Report - 83% of members are paid for 2013
GGNRA Liason Report - Presented the warning sign design. It will be $1000 for 4 signs. Waiting on GGNRA for one more detail before we have them made.
Safety Director Report - There was an incident with a pilot overshooting landing and narrowly missing pedestrians. A few pilots talked with him about it.
Tech Officer Report - Cleaned up the website, everything should be updated and consistent now.
Training Bowl Administrator Report - Nobody has been training students in the bowl other than himself.
Quorum established as remaining majority of officers arrived.
President brought up the next BBQ. Agreement to reschedule it to May 5th.
Safety Director brought up that H2s cannot soar Funston, and we need a list of H2 Sponsors. Vote included executive committee only, as mandated by the site rules. John S impson volunteered to be a H2 Sponsor, vote passed. No other volunteers. Pre-votes also passed for Zac M ajors, Mark L illedahl, and Arturo to be H2 sponsors, should they choose to accept. Safety Director will contact them.
Safety Director also brought up new H3s. General agreement that new H3s shall receive stickers only in person, to ensure they receive a site intro. General agreement that new H3 pilots shall also perform at least one demo flight until the sticker holder is satisfied with their performance and the pilot is handed the sticker.
President brought up that Ranger Matt is looking for volunteers to help paint over graffiti on the north end bunker (Battery Davis).
Patrick suggested Kevin Dutt should have a clubhouse space. Clubhouse Mgr said he is eligible but hasn't filled out the form.
Steve M orris presented a proposal for pilots possessing both a P4 and H4 rating to land PGs in a designated area in the south corner of the top ridge next to the golf course. Spirited debate ensued. Vote taken to ask the GGNRA to allow it for a 3 day trial period. Vote did not pass 2-16.
Motion to suspend from Funston for 1 year any hang glider pilot who flies a paraglider past the south end of the "bowl" towards Funston. Seconded, voted passed 15-0.
Motion to disallow discussion at a monthly club meeting for the next 5 years, regarding any proposal to allow paragliders to take off or land at Funston. Seconded, vote passed 15-1.
Ranger Matt showed up and brought up the aforementioned painting project, that it would be on a Saturday or Sunday morning, but is unscheduled as yet. He also indicated that plans to deal with the parking situation at Funston are being discussed.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Safety Director Dave, in absence of Secretary.