Attendees: Diev H, Larry C, Van P, Steve R, Tim W, Erik A, Emily H, Chuck K, Tom R, Dave K
Tech Officer Report: Tech stuff. Status of internet for ropes cam. Sorry, I wasn't listening.
VP Report: Eric's roll of helmet stickers has been located. Tim has a big roll now.
President's Report: Dan Murphy Memorial BBQ and air races coming up, t-shirt design deadline.
- Recent crashes. New H3s need better guidance by experienced Funston pilots. Mission Soaring will be asked to only give out FF stickers for renewals, not new members, so that the club can better handle new pilots.
- File cabinet for club documents.
- Unknown pilots are leaving the door unlocked. Steve pulled off the weatherstripping to make the door easier to pull closed so people will more easily lock it and don't just flip the deadbolt against the door frame without getting it into the bolt hole. Thinner weatherstripping might work.
- Eric moved his foot! He's determined to heal fully and get back into flying.