July 1, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:33 am
In attendance;
President (Jessica)
Vice President (Chris)
Treasurer (Steve)
GGNRA Liason (Steve)
Safety Director (Brad)
Traning Bowl Admin (Ron)
Tech Officer (George)
Clubhouse Manager (Rob)
New Business
- Jessica Korner (Prez)
- Ron Barry (Secretary, Training Bowl Admin)
- Brad Martin (Safety Officer)
- Chris Valley (Vice President)
- Todd Bricker
- Steve Rodrigues (Treasurer, GGNRA Liason)
- Rob Racer (Clubhouse Manager)
- David Egli
- George Artz
- Some intro talk about where people have been - and will be - flying. We'll
be flying all over the place in the coming 3-day weekend. Chris has been
launching entire flocks from Yosemite. - Jessica will be returning (triumphantly!) to The Bay Area next month.
- Video edits of Takeo and Don Burns' talks are available on Takeo's YouTube
channel (SiliconValleySky.)
("Nose High Launch Talk" and "Coming Back From An Injury") Bayley's recent
talk on Flying Near Air TRaffic will be coming along shortly. Please contact
Jess or Takeo if you have a topic you would like to present or see presented. - There've been some minor Zoom issues. Any time we change the scheduling, we
have to change the Zoom link, so make sure you are staying up-to-date with
the notifications from Jess.
President (Jessica)
- Club event planning progress - (proposed dates)
- Saturday, August 7: Vintage Days
- Saturday, September 4: Memorial for Marginal Mark and Chief.
- Jess will put out an invite via the usual media.
- Saturday, August 7: Vintage Days
- We're in the planning phase on the next parachute clinic. When Brad, et. al.,
have a date, we'll let everyone know. - Steve talked w/ Sharp Park Golf Course about using the clubhouse for the next
First Aid clinic. They asked us for tentative dates, and they'll let us know.
We'll need to gauge interest first, to make sure that we have the minimum (6)
number of attendees. - Got a large donation ($500) from Frank S. THANK YOU!!!!
Vice President (Chris)
- PO Box has been empty, but issuing stickers @ site. Sent $100 to Steve, which
has been deposited.
Treasurer (Steve)
- $12,001.51 in the CD. $11,881.76 in the checking account. This includes the
latest checks from Chris. - 156 helmet stickers issued so far this year.
GGNRA Liason (Steve)
- Got the go-ahead from James to complete electrical in the doghouse. Rob has
completed the work and Steve will need to get photos to James. - We need to give the park 30 days' notice on the coming events.
Safety Director (Brad)
- No updates. No injuries.
Traning Bowl Admin (Ron)
- No word from anyone wanting to use it.
Tech Officer (George)
- Nothing to report
Clubhouse Manager (Rob)
- Four people are left unpaid and Rob has checks for Steve for those who have
paid since last meeting.
New Business
- Jess: What do you think about moving our payments online? Steve thinks it's
a good idea. We'd need to make sure that people click the "Friends and Family"
button on Paypal, since we're a non-profit. Jess can put George in contact
with the guy that did Crestline's online forms/payments.