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March 2003 Minutes

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:27 pm
by Daniel Pifko
MARCH 2003

Tres. Report: $2,643.42

Old Business

Kimo declared it would take at least 2 months before new keys issued
Kimo would label gliders after waivers came back in mail
Talked about emailing waiver renewals for nxt year
Secretary would purchase a p.o. box for nxt year’s key issuance

New Business

Form a committee to review Rules..
1)Leifer T.
2)Kimo B.
3)Henry B.
4)Chris K.

Allocate Steve Rodriguez funds for brass stamps for individual glider identification.
Tim West volunteered to lurk in public bathroom meeting/750 Mason St.

April Meeting at 8p.m.